Saturday, April 30, 2005

I didn’t know that tenors could drool that much

The moral of the story is to never begin a Wolf opera without some sort of caffeine source. Let me tell you the story. Yesterday I innocently sat down to do some of my Music history Listening List. I have to watch a variety of operas for our 19th century opera section. I watched Turnadot a couple of days prior to Friday and I enjoyed it even though some of the lines lacked creative genius. The music was wonderful and the tenor-though cumbersome – had an amazing voice. So anyway, on to Wolf (the German Composer, and not the animal). I had to watch Tristan and Isolde; I thought to myself how long can one soprano sing? Well, the answer was clear as glass on the back of the DVD box. “Running time 244 min.” Yah, one soprano, one mezzo, a tenor, two basses, and four hours of intense pretty much no plot progression OPERA!!! I sat down at 6:30 determined to make it to the improve session at 10:30. Yah, I watched the entire cursed thing straight through no break, not even for the bathroom. Talk about your exhaustive past times. I resorted to 3 squares of cookie dough to soften the pain. Caffeine of some sort would have been a better idea. It was a good thing that the night was not over lest I would have dreamed of the tenor - who slobbered profusely when singing high – in his long black dress.
The improv of Mind Your Head was the perfect end to my laborious diversion of the afternoon/evening. I ended my night with a night of companionship which I haven’t enjoyed the likes of in about a month now. This semester has made me miss my friends, and they are all still around, (Curse you all you professors who have made this semester a social nothing on the social ness scale!)

No song, instead I am in Wichita getting ready to eat Sushi for the first time. I will let you know how it goes.

Friday, April 29, 2005


Tonight I took a trip down memory lane.
This evening I had the opportunity to watch one of the shows that I grew up on. Today’s Special was a large part of my childhood. Muffy Mouse was my all time hero for a long time. I appreciated her state of the art apartment as well as her incredible rhyming abilities, which I must say I tried to emulate as much as I could. For others of you who remember great public television channels how about these shows for memories, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood (the incredible hulk episode was the best), Reading Rainbow, Square One (including Math Net of which the Whit’s End mystery was the best ever), Sesame Street (Linda was my favorite, I had my own signing with Linda book), Zoobaly Zoo (Wazzat was my favorite. She was some kind of pink animal who played the key board.), Little House on the Prairie (Didn’t everyone love Manley?), Bob Ross and his happy little trees, and Toy Boy and Santa for the holidays.
What has happened to the television of today? Japanimation is just not as good as good old Channel 8 television.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Good things

Recently I have been having some new thoughts about life and my role therein. I am not ready to finalize any of those thoughts in words, but I did want to state this thought. I am a broken person, made complete by God’s love and grace. Because I am complete in God, I have no need of anything that He will not provide in His time. And that is awesome. Also I wanted to state that chapel was good today as well. The speaker made the statement that God wants us to perceive his qualities by reaching out and touching Him just like a blind person reaches out to touch and see.

Song: I don't know the name, but it is the "What, oh what else can I do" song with the sweet intro.

Panda's Writing Style

This evening I was inspired by my good friend Panda, who had a Lynn J. essay to write and didn’t know what to say. Here is what she came up with:

“Growing up I was always told that everything happened for a purpose, and that God had a purpose for my life. Reading the Bible and reading about Jesus’ life, everything he did also had a purpose. He knew what he was supposed to do and he knew everything that would happen to him. Wright tells his thoughts ogggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. This really sucks butt. How about we not do this anymore. (To the tune of Veggie Tales) If you like to talk to tomatoes, if a squash could make you smile, if you like to waltz with potatoes up and down the produce aisle. Have we got show for you, Veggie tales, veggie tales, veggie tales veggie tales veggie tales. Borccile, celery got to be veggie tales lima beans color green peachy keen veggie tales. There never ever ever ever been a show like veggie tales.
(To the tune of This is the song that never ends) This is the essay that never ends yes it really sucks yes sucks my friend. One night I started writing it not knowing what to write but I continued writing it the end was out of sight but this really sucks.
(To the tune of Cheers Theme Song) Sometime I want to go where nobody knows my name, and I always stay the same, I wanta be where I can’ t see my troubles are all the same, I wanta go where I can play some games.
Application: (To the Tune of Jesus Loves Me) Jesus loves me this I know for lynn jost really blows he makes my day really suck then I sit like a duck. Yes I hate lynn jost but don’t take it personally I just needed 11 more words now this essay is complete.
(287 words)” - Coppied from the Panda Bear Computer.

Yah, it met the word limit. I am not so sure if she will turn it in or not. She is a pretty stubborn person, (she didn’t earn the nickname stubby for nothing). Yes, this is the normal kind of thing that happens to one’s writing style when one is plagued by CONTINUOUS L. J. essays. I wonder at the trauma that this poor bear has endured struggling with the enormous amounts of Life and Teachings swirling around in her head.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Good Morning

A lot has happened since Saturday night, some good things and some bad things. I am doing alright though. I am looking forward to my first week without a test this semester. It is nice to have a bit of a calm before the storm that will come as semester comes to a close.
I went to the band concert last night. The band sounded wonderful and I was especially impressed with the solos. My mom and I especially appreciated the Gong. It was ….well….really loud. I don’t have much to say. Perhaps later I will find some fun anecdote to share, but until then, it is back to the grindstone.

No song for the morning.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

"Someday I am going to be 40"

Life is full of firsts and lasts. I have been reminded of that many times this week. Personally I like firsts a lot and though lasts are often hard to swallow, I have learned to appreciate them. Since Thursday (when my alarm-clock did me wrong) beginnings and endings have been on my mind and particularly this evening. Possibly because this wonderful junior year is coming to an end, or perhaps it is because I just watched three friends in their last formal production together. (Most likely this is the reason) (It touched me, it was truthful, it was beautiful, it was professional, it was human, and it was my friends.)
I recently saw When Harry Met Sally for the very first time. Besides being touched by the old couples who gave their stories, flabbergasted and puzzled with Harry’s thoughts, and humored by Sally’s impending breakdowns, I was impressed with one of the last lines of the film. I can not quote it to specificity, but Harry says something like this, “When you find the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” I loved it for two reasons A: I am hopeless romantic and love it for its honest qualities. and B: Isn’t that the way we should treat all of the beginnings and endings in our life? We should be so excited about what God holds for us that we run blocks and blocks, miles and miles, years and years, just to get there to Him to live our lives. (Ha! Who says you can’t find truth in a romantic comedy?) Perhaps I am over analyzing the situation, and perhaps that When Harry Met Sally has never had this affect on anyone before, but this is me, and that is what I think.

Song: We’re Gonna Be Friends – The White Stripes

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Once upon a time...

Once there was a girl who spent her time in school. The girl had a good day and then decided to drink some coffee (at midnight) because she liked the taste. The lovely girl then decided to go to sleep. She tossed and turned, and not because there was a pea under her mattress, but because the lovely girl liked the taste of coffee. After some time the girl decided to consult the all powerful Medicine Cabinet - found far from her bed on the other side of the room - and it gave to her a special potion of Tylenol PM. This was an extremely rare potion found in the great and mighty land of Wal (Mart). The girl took this potion not understanding the spell that the all powerful Medicine Cabinet wished to cast over her. The girl slept the sound sleep of one whose alarm clock wakes them up in the morning, but alas the alarm was also under the spell of the all powerful Hillsboro power line and it too was in a deep sleep. The girl and the alarm slept until the alarm clock lover of the lovely girl’s alarm clock (Ahem, room mate’s alarm clock) woke the sleeping girl and clock. The joy at the awakening was les than impressive, for the alarm was an hour and a half too late for the girl to go to the ball of her favorite wand waving master (instrumental conducting). The girl stumbled out of bed determined to set things to right. She called the wand waving master who told her that indeed there were many spells afoot during the night for he had experienced technical difficulties with the wand waving ball band (a.k.a. The CD player.) and had not been able to begin the ball at all. The lovely girl sighed and knew that her world was again set to right.

Song: Though I feel Alone – 100 portraits Water Deep

Sunday, April 17, 2005

different stuff

My life has become a different world and continues to change around me. I have just finished some important things in my classes and I am glad for that. Yet, my summer has been recently been occupying my mind. This summer I will be taking some classes via Hutchinson Community College as well as through ACCK. I am also going to work with PrairieView Kids camps this summer. I am excited to do something new (THAT IS NOT INVENTORY!!!) It will be a challenge, but it should be a good experience.
Speaking of good experiences, I had my first Bible Simulation at Tabor this evening. I didn’t think that it would be a good experience because I have some very stubborn vocal people in my class, but to my surprise I was able to filter the extra verbage and we had a good discussion.
If anyone is free next Saturday night and are in the area, I would encourage you to make the trek to Tabor to watch the play “The Drawer Boy” it should be an extremely good performance of three of my favorite people.
I know that this is random, but hey, so am I.
My sister recently got her first dog. It is a Lahssa Apsa (I know I didn’t spell that right) any way it is the cutest thing. It looks like an ewok with oversized eyes. She is a sweet little thing, and I am excited to get to know her more this summer.
An interesting fact about me to end the evening: Someday I would like to … perhaps… drive a car in a race. (there that is the most odd of my aspirations) Yes, sorry mom, someday I think it would be fun to be in a driver in an Indi car or perhaps even a Nas car. Something about the speed is attractive.

I am not currently listening to a song, I am but a meer observer of the people in the computer lab. People are interesting.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

short and sweet

Sorry I haven’t posted in a long time. I have been amazingly busy. I went to CA on choir tour. I will tell you all about after my recital on Sunday. Yes! I am almost done!
Short and Sweet.