Monday, July 30, 2007

My New Neighbors: For ages 16 and older

Sometimes there are things that I would like to write on this blog, but I choose not to write them because of the adult nature of the subject matter. I don't know who reads this, but I certainly want to keep it to G rated material.

Yet, sometimes life gives us Neighbors who bring incidents that are not G rated into our lives. This was my case last week. The entire situation brought me to tears in laughter.

So, I will for one post diverge from my normal G ratedness.

I recently moved into my first apartment complex. It is not a large complex, and it is in a nice part of town. My neighbors are not frightening in the least. For the most part they are quiet and respectful of the other occupants.

Except for my upstairs neighbor who takes a shower every night at 1:00 a.m. or later, and insists on throwing up loudly on Monday mornings for at least an hour. The first time I heard it, I kind of wanted to call 911 because it sounded like he was DYING. At least now I know the full effects of a full weekend hangover.

Here is the part of the story when apartment life truly turned over a new leaf.

New Roommate and I were enjoying a nice Italian Chicken meal when we heard a knock at the door "knock,knock,knock." We immediately thought, "No one knocks on our door, It must be the neighbor's door. A short time later and there was another, "knock knock knock." we got up an answered the door and it was our neighbor. She had come by to see if we wanted her business cards. She told us that she does slumber parties. We excitedly answered "Slumber parties, that's fun." (thinking cookies, and movies, and late night girl talk) Little did we know that "Slumber Parties" is a company that sells bedroom unmentionables, edible body butters, and other adult toys. "Gasp" Our neighbor sells sex toys, and we said "Slumber parties, that's fun!"

On the up side of things, we invited her in and she stayed while we made and ate cheese cake. We talked about a lot of things and were open about our faith, our relationships, our views on drinking and other serious issues. At the end of the evening she asked us if we wanted to go walking some time. I was so glad that she was still comfortable around us after we had shared so openly. Hopefully we will keep getting chances to share our lives with her.

One thing that New Roommate and I are nervous about is the fact that someday our neighbor will want to give a slumber party hosted by us. We decided that we would have to make it the first ever three person "Slumber Parties" party, and hope that she won't mind that we don't buy anything.

Sad Strainge Little Car: part 27


Throughout the entire month of June, I had the predicament of deciding whether I wanted to fix my car or not. I opted to not make payments on a new car, and instead fixed my car. I had to get an entire new air compressor for the circulation system in my car. It takes care of: Drying, Cooling, Air conditioner, Heater, Defrost, and many other helpful things

On the way back from my new home a couple of days ago, I realized something. I couldn't get the car to cool. The air conditioner was like a hand dryer blowing directly in my face. I tried every method I could think of to fix it. I tried circulating from the outside, inside, on max, not on max, from the vent, with no cooling power on, and with cooling power on. NOTHING.

Today, I am stranded at my parents house. My dad had meetings in the burro, so he took my car to see if they could FIX IT. Hopefully it will be fixed for free and in one day.

I am not keeping my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ha, I can post!!!

For all of those people who have written me on facebook, who also read this blog, I am sorry that I can't reply to you. The computer won't let me.


So this past week and weekend was great. I spent wonderful times with my family. We went to Cottonwood Falls to eat catfish and listen to a town blue-grass get together. It was a truly good experience. We also went out to the bestest Mexican place ever and ate the bestest enchiladas ever! Good food, good times, good company.

I was kind of bummed on Tuesday. I was back up in my northern apartment and had just read my devotions about the pharasees giving Jesus a hard time about his life (a common occurance), when there was a "nock at my chamber door" (common quote by Jenna). I opened my door expecting to see Chris' family, but instead of them it was CHRIS, 100% in the flesh. I was so surprised. I was also so broken up about him surprising me that I immediately started crying and almost shut the door in his face.

We had a wonderful day. ate little burgers for lunch. drove around and got aquainted with this town. ate Italian for super and all in all had a fulfilling day of rest and good conversation.

God knew exactly what I needed. He isn't just talking big when He says that He will suply all of our needs. I didn't understand His timing on this ocasion until after the visit, because I thought that my needs were more urgent than He did, but He waited until I was receptive to His will and then He gifted me with the company I had longed for.

testing, testing, one two three

This is a test of the wireless internet not working right broadcast system. This is only a test to see if this works. If it works, there will be more to follow.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Not much

I am sure that I have a lot to say, but right now I don't really feel like talking about it right now.

I am with my family this week. It has been good. I haven't slept much. The first couple of nights because of a girl movie marathon. The no sleep the next couple of nights has been due to the fact that my sister has moved into my room and insists on keeping that TV on into the wee hours of the night. I have listened to more partial episodes of COPS than I have since my freshmen year of college.

I think I may go nap now. Or read. I only have 200 more pages left in my 840 page book.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Oh the places you'll go

So every year at highschool graduation one of the english teachers reads a Dr Seuss book that reminds her of the graduating class. Seuss has a book called "Oh the places you'll go," I believe that he could have also written a book entitled "Oh the people you'll meet." I have been in my new town for a week now, and I believe that I have met more new people than have been new places.

There was the young boy at the D.A.V. who thought that they had forgotten to pay their electricity bill when they turned their lights out as the store closed.

Or the clerk at the D.A.V. who exclamed with her head bobbing like a valley girl, "I expect to see you back now that you know the HOT PLACE TO SHOP!" (punctuating each bold word with a jirk of the head)

There was the Drafting teacher who I met at my teachers meeting. He was nervous about working in such a large school. I (along with english teacher guy) assured him that because he can grow a five o' clock shadow by three that he will have no problem holding classroom authority.

There was the little asian woman at lap swimming who exclamed to me, "Is hot! You hot too? Here's what you need to do, just dip your head back. Dip it back, dip it, DIP IT BACK! Now you see. Much cooler, yes?"

So you see, Even though I am just in one new place, I have met a handfull of delightful people. I hope to get to lap swim with Asian woman again. She cracked me up.

Other than that I am just trying to get through the rest of this summer without getting too nervouse about the upcomming school year. Pray for me as you think of it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I have officially moved. I have only been there for one night though. I am currently at my parents house though. I am excited to start feeling at home in my apartment, but it is just so different from the burro. I guess that I need to get out into the community and start establishing some familiar places. I think that I have been in the same small town for too long because I kind of like knowing all of the checkers at all of the two grocery stores in town.

Last Sunday I went to a spiritual DNA class. Among other things, I found out that I am energized by people, but I am structure oriented. Basically that means that I like to be with people and they are more important than the task that we may be working on, but if we don't have some structure in our day or activity I get tired and shut down. (Honestly, I don't know how I have made it thus far considering that my group of friends and family don't do the structure thing that well.)

Tonight I am going to see Josh in By By Birdie. I am excited to hang out with the girls. It will also get me up north enough to actually stay in my apartment for the next couple of days.

On Thursday I have a new teacher's meeting. I get to have a drug test! (Just as a side bar, I hate lab testing of any kind.) I also get to turn in my employers copy of my teaching license. I have a teaching license. I have that little slip of paper for which I worked ridiculously hard. Huzzah!

I have also officially resigned myself to no trip this summer. I am probably not going to get to go anywhere out of the tri-state area. This may not seem like a big deal to some people, but you must understand my love of travel. I like it so much I even added the feature "Where I have been" on facebook. It is the one new application which I will accept. Maybe I will go to the Library and get some travel videos. I think I will photo shop my picture into some photos of Southern Europe, Northern Africa, South East Asia, India, or North East United States.