Sunday, July 31, 2005

PV parent's night

I never knew how it felt to be on this side of a parent’s night. Last Thursday PV had the parents night program. All of the kids got up to sing the first song, which was Sunshine on my Shoulders by John Denver. The kids didn’t like the song very much because it was slow. They are more into the fast ones. Then the preschoolers got up and sang You Are My Sunshine with pop bottle shakers. My favorite part of the preschool production was when a little guy jumped up behind the pulpit, grabbed the microphone, and yelled Yo Yo Yo What’s Up. Everyone melted into hysterical laughter. It was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen.
I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory yesterday. It was great. Johnny Dep was the perfect combination of funny and creepy at the same time. The kids who acted were great to. The Oompa Loompas were priceless.

My dog gets high

I know, I have no way to scientific way to prove that my dog gets high, but there are mushrooms growing naturally in our back yard on a tree stump. This is the first summer that they have appeared. Dad gets rid of them every time he mows, but my dog is constantly going out and eating them before he can get to them. Not only is she snacking on them, but she is obsessed with eating them whenever she is in the back yard. I am convinced that she is under the influence of some sort of mushroom substance. I wonder if the police can do drug tests on dogs…

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My roommate is rubbing off on me!!!

So here is the story of how I learned to procrastinate. This summer I am taking some classes on line and I have one day to finish my biology class. Sadly enough I have an enormous test that I haven’t studied for, and for some reason I feel no remorse. Thanks Amy. No seriously thank you for showing me this free feeling that I have in my soul! I love procrastination. See the thing is…I would have to seriously bomb this test like a zero in order to flunk this class. If I do alright, I will pass. And the beauty of transferring in this class is the GPA doesn’t count. So it won’t hurt me one bit! I love loopholes.
Other than that not much is going on. Oh yah, there is a kid that I pick up in the mornings. He is cute, but has some serious anger problems. Anyway he likes to call people block head, stupid head, cow head, bus head, pretty much anything he can get ahold of and then tack head onto the end and it becomes an insult. So today I was riding in the car and for some reason I said whoopsi-daisies (thanks Goertzen). I was promptly called a Whoopsi-daisy face head. If some body ever asks me what one of those looks like I guess I can just tell them, well you are looking at the first genuine Whoopsi-daisy face head.
I am not being sarcastic when I say I truly love my job!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Good times with my cell group

This summer I have had the awesome opportunity to get involved in my church’s college and career singles group. Last Sunday I spent all day with them. We began the day with a fish fry with fish caught by Darren and James. The fish was wonderfully cooked by Todd and Eric, and the lazy company in the living room was great too. Let me tell you, I ate lunch with 6 men and myself. It was a bit intimidating, but I rose to the challenge and had a good time. Another interesting fact about the meal…I didn’t cook anything, I didn’t set the table, and I didn’t do any dishes. The Men took care of all of it. It was an awesome thing, not just because they were all so cute fussing in the kitchen, but because it takes real men to do all that and that was awesome.
So after the fish fry we all went over to a friend’s house to swim, and I was joined by another girl in the group. (Thank God, I was ready for a testosterone break by then.) The guys had a football tipping competition. They all lined up on the diving board. Jacie threw them the football and they jumped off ant tipped the ball backwards to the next in line all in one swift movement. It took them probably 50 attempts, and after they made it through with all seven of them they swiftly changed activities.
At our Bible study we had more wonderful food, then studied then James found some little girls shorts and decided to sport them over his clothes for the rest of the evening. They were hot let me tell you. (in a disgusting sort of way)
Our group has been studying Song of Solomon. It has been enlightening studying that particular book of the Bible among mixed gender company when most to all of us are single as the day is long. The night that we talked about chapter 4 was particularly uncomfortable, but not so much that I was embarrassed.
All in all it was a wonderful day. Someday I will have to enlighten all of you of the many sub personalities that we have in our group. Perhaps after Jim Bo has had a second visit.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Oh the things you can think

Last night I had the awesome opportunity to go to Seussical the Dr Seuss musical (I don’t know if I am spelling this right, but oh well) it was amazing. I had not been that entertained in a long time. The voices were great and the ideas that the writers had were wonderful. There was an entire scene in black lights except one spotlight that was on the little boy in the show. There were people all dressed in black with white shoes and white gloves that tap danced and held up neon question marks and exclamation marks at different times so they looked like they were floating. It was awesome. If anyone ever gets the chance to see it, Do it!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Summer colds stink

So far my summer has gone off without a hitch, Until yesterday. I woke up with a tickle in my throat that turned into a sore throat, which was augmented by a headache, which was multiplied by a neck ache, which was supplemented by constant fuzziness and ringing in my ears. All of this would not have been so bad if my job was in a quiet office building licking stamps for some uppity up financial genius. Yet, alas instead I work with 10, 8-10 year old boys who have all been diagnosed seriously mentally and emotionally disturbed. I made it through the day without too many hitches and decided to CRASH when I got home.
Friday morning, I had off and planed to sleep as long as I could. 7am is not considered sleeping in in my book, but it is what my body had in mind. For some reason the not being able to breath through my nose hindered my sleeping process. Well since I was up, I decided to check out a garage sale with my dad, (ok here is the punch line for all of you homestar runner fans) It was more of a garbage (say it with a French accent) sale than a garage sale. I took home a glass cup for free, and that’s all. When we pulled into the driveway I commented that mom had left for work early because the van wasn’t in the driveway. I then realized that we, dad and I, were in the van that was pulling into the driveway. And then went back to bed. So…4 hr later I woke up and decided to post on my blog. That is the end of this story. From my fuzzy head to yours, and thank God for spell check,

Monday, July 18, 2005

An untitled response to life

I feel as if I am completely unfaithful to my sight, which I am. I even have these guilty feelings when I see the u r l on the scroll bar to the Internet. It begs for my attention, but I selfishly withhold all love. UNTILL NOW!
Wow. This has been such a good summer! It has had its ups and downs. One down is the 2 more weeks of General Biology that I need to finish through Hutch. It is easy but it is all so pointless….and boring…and annoying…and…science.
On to more fun things, today I cleaned out a bunch of 12 passenger vans at work. It was a joy getting down and dirty in those vans (that didn’t sound so good, but I am leaving it anyway) At least they might stay clean for a week or so. You never know what is going to happen on a trip that lasts longer than 5 min.
Last Sunday a missionary couple came to my church. They talked to me about going and teaching in Hungary, Romania, or Moldova after I graduate. It is intimidating, but I am actually thinking about it. I am ready for a change, and I am not sure what it is. Do you ever get that kind of restlessness feeling? Then again it could be senioritis setting in early.
In closing I am happy to say that I am enjoying my summer, but I am also getting antsy to get back to school. Yah, I am surprised to say so myself. I never want to do the work once I am there; I guess it is the people that I miss.
Well, as all great things come to an end… “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” And “Frankly my deer, I don’t give a ahem.”