Wednesday, September 28, 2005

scattered, and exhausted, and generally good

So it is almost October, wow. This month has flown. I am trying to make the most of my senior year. That includes doing everything that I possibly can with my friends. Well, my homework is taking up some time as well. All this is to say that I haven’t been sleeping as much as I should, so my body made up for it in ALL of my classes today. I never sleep in class, and today I slept through half of each of my classes today. (The second half, which fits together with many popular teaching theories.) So I decided that for the rest of the day I will do nothing but homework and go to bed at 8 or 9, which is completely ridiculous, but I am going to try to do it. Not only for my sake, but also for the sake of my professors because I was not able to affirm them with the usual, “Yes I understand” nods that I usually give. (I think that is why they like me, at least I think they like me, oh well…)
In other news…The play is going well. I took a history test and I think I did ok. I get to sing a solo in concert choir for the first time! I have two new Soul Sisters. Our house mop has successfully made our main floor stink. I am finally getting used to the dishwasher. I miss my church friends. I still hate green peppers.

Good by

Friday, September 23, 2005

Why is Jiminy Cricket Green?

I would like to extinguish the lives of all bug type things! Last night I was shaken out of a beautiful sleep by none other than a HUGE GYNORMOUS SON OF A CRAISED HAMPSTER’S SISTER’S DOG’S CRICKET!!!! The cricket kept both Amy and I up for FOREVER. I stuffed a comforter in my ear, and pressed the other into my pillow so far that the memory foam will never by the same. But he ceased to continue his annoying chirping (screech SCREECH! Screech SCREECH!) 10 min before my alarm went off. How kind and courteous of him. (Thanks Jiminy for teaching your relatives good manners. By the way, Why are you green instead of black?)
Then this morning I was on my merry way to blow dry my hair and I went to plug in the blow dryer. I jumped back in complete disgust. There was a spider wedging itself into a faulty crack in our outlet by my desk. Three legs were showing and they were writhing in a distasteful manner. (I admit, I screeched! Which is all that I can do in the mornings because screaming is out of my morning amplitude level) Anyway, he escaped but not before I roasted him for a while with the hot end of my blow dryer.
And that is why this morning, I hate bug type things.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Questions quote

The quality and frequency of my bloging will be going down hill pretty soon, or possibly already has. It seems that my schedule is getting more demanding. So I will leave you with this thought as if it may be the last one for a while. I am currently reading Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. Excellent book if you want a good one. (Well at least the first part is excellent. I am not very far yet.) anyway….I will leave you with one of his quotes that I thought was “O” so awesome!
“Questions, no matter how shocking or blasphemous or arrogant or ignorant or raw, are rooted in humility. A humility that understands that I am not God. And there is more to know.”

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Grrrrr. If I could only get my knee caps to stop shaking! Grrrrrr. Pretty sure I want Ben Stein to walk up to me and say, “There’s a Visine for that” Yah, pretty sure he wont. Grrrrrr

I will call this: “Very long post meant mostly to mentally exercise my power of recall.

The rest of last week went well. I did a lot, and I must have done a lot of nothing because I have too much to do right now. There is boy voice in our house right now, and I think it is Jeff. He is getting ready for their houses fundraiser for the Katrina storm victims. It is an awesome idea.
Anyway…Wednesday was awesome cause there was a great rain storm that I got to run in. Then I went to a campaign celebration for John who is the new rep at large. It was hilarious.
Thursday was slow and good. I got a lot done, but not during the morning. Thursday morning I was busy trying to dig up a 15 passenger van for a road trip that my friends and I want to take over fall break, but I can’t seem to find one. If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it. Thursday night our house had Ellie and Charles (a couple who have adopted our house) over for dinner. Rachel P. made Indian food. It was so good, but I had an upset stomach from the spices the rest of the evening. I also had musical practice after dinner. First blocking practices are always uncomfortable and bad, but it went better than I had first expected.
Friday was the most beautiful day. It was the perfect day to sit outside which I did for a while. Friday afternoon I went running, then watched “hitch hiker’s guide to the galaxy.” I liked it. It was weird, but in a good way. The only thing I didn’t like was when the whale that I liked died. I grew attached for the few minutes it was on the screen, and then Poof it was gone! (grrrrrr) After that movie I went upstairs and played the recorder, listened to music, talked, and ________ with Rachel W. and Angie. It was great. Angie has this awesome pink stocking hat with fur and cat ears. I want one. We decided to go get a movie, and I road to quick flick standing out of the sunroof of Rachel’s car. It was fun. We watched “the others.” And then I think I went to bed. I am not sure. (this does not mean that I was drunk or anything, I just honestly can’t remember)
Saturday. I got up at 5:30. Went to breakfast in Galva as a surprise for Becca P. Then I went back to bed. I had a second morning in which I felt much more like a person, and we went to work at the craft fair. I hung out with my parents for a while, worked on homework, ate dinner with some boys and girls at my house, went for an awesome motorcycle ride (thanks Roman!), set up for a surprise party for Becca, had a surprise party for becca, watched cowboys with The Duke, fought with The Foot, then went and watched Hotel Rawanda with John and Roman. After watching that movie I didn’t want to sleep, I wanted to think about it. I kept thinking, “What am I doing just sitting over here in my comfortable little town?” It makes you think, it forces you to consider the rest of the world. I am glad I saw it even though I watched it just because I didn’t want to see it. (make sense out of that one if you can) 2:45 went to bed
Sunday: Got up, went to church, came back, ate with The Foot, did homework, took a nap (bad me), posted on my blog (bad me). Going to do homework, going to lead a study session, going to practice, going to run, going to bed (hopefully reasonably early to satisfy my body on Monday.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


My day was good. It was a nice Tuesday. No different from any other Tuesday. Sometimes it is nice to have a normal good day. To wake, to sit, to learn, to sing, to study, to run, to relax, to learn, to read, to post, to bed.
Sleep well, and dream sweet (or funny) dreams of good friends both from life and from the world of dreams.

Monday, September 12, 2005


Do not judge, do not fear, do not assume, this does not make me any different from the person whom you have always known. Do you ever get in those moods the kind of mood in which you are pensive to a dangerous level, the kind of mood that makes you feel as if you do not express, you will explode? Therefore I sit and sing at the top of my lungs. My songs are not happy, they are not angry. They are pensive and beautiful in their bass emotive conflict, conflict that I do not enjoy and enjoy at the same enigmatic time. I do not limit myself to any boxed set of emotions. I rest in being blissful. I relish an occasional rant (I even throw my flip flops against the wall). I do not believe that this pensive mood is harmful or even sinful. I devote my entire being to feeling the depth and fullness of this emotion. The emotion that has me singing at the top of my lungs to express all of the raw emotion in my soul. Such fullness that can not come from the depths of a soul that has never loved, never lost, never hurt, never laughed until crying, never been confused, never been lost, and never been found. These are the facts that give me the freedom to do so. I WAS LOST! I AM FOUND! I HAVE LOST! I HAVE LOVED! I HAVE LIVED! I WILL LIVE! I WILL JOY! I WILL EXPERIENCE GRACE! I WILL BE GOD’S!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Who am I?

You scored as Marianne Dashwood. Most girls can relate with Marianne on a more personal level than some of Austen's other characters. She represents the emotional longings and struggles that seem to attack and bless us at the same time. Loyal to a fault, passionate for experience and life, and a bit over-emotional, Marianne matures and grows (making her so beloved).

Marianne Dashwood


Jane Bennet


Elizabeth Bennet


Emma Woodhouse


Elinor Dashwood


Charlotte Lucas


Lady Catherine


Which Jane Austen Character are You?
created with

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I can say butterfly in four languages

My Pet Peeves
(In no particular order, numbered randomly by my random mind)

1. Men in general
3. People who don’t use their turn signals
5. People who stay in the store after closing
10. Extremely thin people who insist they are fat.
12. People touching the back of my arms
17. HAIR! Mostly in the shower
22. Picking a seat in Church
28. Pant legs under the tongue of my shoe
37. When people make gross noises with the back of their throats
46. Men who think they are “all that and a bag of Doritos.”

Disclaimer: The previous statement concerning men is not a statement that can be spread over the entire male species. There are many men that I know that do not come near the “pet peeve” category of my life.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Escape my love

I am sitting here and remember something that I must post. Although it happened a week ago, it must be given mention. My first day of class, exactly one week ago I was asked to help Jenna and Becky with a film project. I agreed on the sheer faith that I would not regret my decision. I chose correctly, for out of their film project came one of the best belated birthday presents ever. Before I tell you about what exactly it is I must give you some background.
Last year during something at Tabor, there was a karaoke night on campus. I am not the best karaoke singer because I tend to only do it when I know that it will be perfect and karaoke tends never to be perfect. Yet, on a whim, and because of my devotion to Jenna, I sang the song “Escape” by Enrique. (You know the one, You can run You can hide, but you can’t escape my Love.) Anyway, I sang it and dedicated it to Jenna because she is such a fan of the song.
Ok Background over….so the video that I was in was a music video for the song “Escape” it is amazing! The cinematography is pure genius. It contains random shots of me walking, running, and frantically trying to get away from Jenna my stocker. Jill F. then chases after Jenna. The entire thing is priceless. Thanks so much friends!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

No Life Without Wife

My first week is done and I feel, um…fine. Yah, fine is a good word. The week went off with only a small advising hitch. I switched into a history class and got that all figured out. (Just as an in between thought. I care about my room mate’s brain cells). Sorry this is scattered. I am about to purchase a futon (I never knew that was spelled that way), and I am conversing with the girl whose truck I am going to use.
So last night we watched Tom and Huck. It was great! I was reminded of my earlier days and my shameless obsession with Jonathan Taylor Thomas. (it was sad folks, really sad, but admittance is the first step to cure). That movie is too intense to be a kids movie. It was pretty funny when one of my friends screamed in the middle of the cave scene.
After Tom and Huck we watched Bride and Prejudice. Jane Austin moans in her grave. I liked it, I don’t know why. The singing was good. The music was catchy (perhaps too catchy) The acting wasn’t bad. All in all it was a good interpretation for Bali wood. My favorite numbers were No Life Without Wife and Lead Us To Love. If you have never experienced a cheesy Indian film it is time to start now! It has inspired many of my friends to randomly break into song and bop around in a light hearted fool hardy manner. Good stuff.