Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Escape my love

I am sitting here and remember something that I must post. Although it happened a week ago, it must be given mention. My first day of class, exactly one week ago I was asked to help Jenna and Becky with a film project. I agreed on the sheer faith that I would not regret my decision. I chose correctly, for out of their film project came one of the best belated birthday presents ever. Before I tell you about what exactly it is I must give you some background.
Last year during something at Tabor, there was a karaoke night on campus. I am not the best karaoke singer because I tend to only do it when I know that it will be perfect and karaoke tends never to be perfect. Yet, on a whim, and because of my devotion to Jenna, I sang the song “Escape” by Enrique. (You know the one, You can run You can hide, but you can’t escape my Love.) Anyway, I sang it and dedicated it to Jenna because she is such a fan of the song.
Ok Background over….so the video that I was in was a music video for the song “Escape” it is amazing! The cinematography is pure genius. It contains random shots of me walking, running, and frantically trying to get away from Jenna my stocker. Jill F. then chases after Jenna. The entire thing is priceless. Thanks so much friends!

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