Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Dreams


For the past few nights I have been having very vivid dreams... Dreams that are somewhat disturbing in different ways. Don't be alarmed by the darkness or the brightness of these dreams... I think it is just my mind reacting to the hustle and bustle that is my life as of now.

Last week, I had the dream that I was in one of my childhood friend's homes for a reunion of some sort. I had to use the bathroom... So I was directed down to the basement. That wasn't a big surprise since I spent most of my time with this friend in her room in the basement. But then I was told, "not that basement, the second basement." Yes I did climb down stars that led me to a basement under the basement which was a HUGE workshop of some sort. There were car jacks and wood working tools and the such. I looked and looked for the toilet... Couldn't find one. Finally I spotted a Urinal under the work bench. Are you serious??? You ask. Oh yes. I am going to end the dream there because it did not end well. Lets just say that the getting under the bench to actually try to use the urinal didn't go so well and that coupled with my friend's dad walking in on me getting ready to use the urinal...

I am so glad that it was a dream.

Ok ready for the next one?

So I am back in the burrow at schfirn's and I am studying or something on the futon in my living room. Suddenly I hear this creepy noise. I went back into my bedroom, and there on the windowsill that didn't exist in real life was a spider the size of ... well the body of the spider was about the size of a tennis ball and then add the legs. So I ran to the kitchen to get "the spray." now this spray actually exists in real life because I can't stand smashing spiders, but I will not live with them around so I have attack spider can o' spray. (aka bug be gone or something of that sort) So I go back and completely attack the huge creature. He then crawled behind the couch which was under the window. I heard him inching across the floor and when he emerged from underneath the couch, he had grown to the size of a human skull. He even had skull like markings. There was no choice for me. I stepped on him and he popped like a balloon full of goo. It must have been traumatic because the popping of grossness woke me up.

I am so glad it was a dream.

Ok... Last one....

I am in my old church in childhood town and I am aware that I have indeed been teaching for a year. Something has happened with my college requirements and I have to do another recital. This one is called a "Life Recital." My faithful piano player is there to help me. I am getting ready thinking... "Well, how hard can it be. I have already done it once. If they are going to make me do another recital, I will just use all of the music from the first one." I am getting ready to go into the sanctuary to perform and I see CA friends J and E there with new baby. (who isn't born yet in real life) I also see many other people from my lifetime. They are beckoning for me to come in. I don't even know what the program says is my first song. I found a program and the titles are something as follows.

"The old black pig."
"There's a hole in the bucket."
"Rooster Rooster Where Are You?"

These are not songs that I know (with the exception of hole in the bucket) but they are expecting me to teach the audience like I teach my little kids. Then in the next section there are all language songs by famous composers, but I don't know the words to the songs. The last section is English songs, but again they are songs the I may have heard once but have never done.
I peak into the sanctuary and the Guitar player accompanist sees me and starts to play the intro music. (Yah I had intro music from a beachy bumming looking guitar player accompanist) I freaked out and took off. The only thing that I could keep thinking was, "Now I won't be able to see my friends because I could never face them after that."

I am so glad it was a dream.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Isn’t it wonderful what a morning that feels like spring can do for you? This morning truly felt like spring. It was fresh… there was dew… there were birds singing… the sun was shooting beautiful rays over the horizon behind the school building. Ahhhh….
It may also feel like spring because I have all of the fans in my classroom on full blast. I have clean linen air freshener swirling around, and my door is propped open. This may seem like a freshness blast, but let me assure you that it is necessary. You see I am getting ready to do a stomp/blue man group HUGE ordeal with my fifth graders, and I have had the lunch ladies at all of the schools collecting buckets for me. Well… the good news is that the buckets are great big pretty green buckets, and I am getting them for free. Bad news is that they are the buckets that the pickles come in. So… my classroom smells like pickles. A LOT. Thirteen five-gallon buckets of pickles a lot.
I keep telling myself that it is worth it. I don’t mind the smell… The kids aren’t so hot on it though. They keep asking me, “Mrs. Music, why does your room smell like salad?”

Friday, February 20, 2009

more up beat


My last post was a little depressing. But that is just how life was at that time. Things are a little better now. I actually had a good day yesterday, and I am hoping for the same today. I don't think that the students were any less crazy, I just think that God was giving me extra peace and patience.

Yesterday I got back after working out at the YMCA. I made an easy to throw together supper. We read magazines and watched Greys anatomy. Then we skyped with Justin and Elise. Yesterday was good.

We went to sleep last night and WHOOT today is Friday. What more could I ask for?

Well... I think that I am going to go be productive.

See Ya Later

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I love the analogy of "having one's strength sapped out of her." It is one of those phrases that I used to read in books and picture how it could happen. This year I am experiencing this first hand. I don't really want to talk about it, but all that I know is that I am going to need some prayer to make it through Tuesday, Thursday and every other Friday without having a nervous breakdown.

Yesterday after school I just sat... and stared... at the desert scene on my computer screen. And sat. And sat. A student came in to practice piano... All I did was sit. I didn't really talk to him or his brother and sister... They did their homework, and I sat.

So it is a Wednesday. I am swimming after school. I have choir practice after that. Long day, little strength. I am hoping that because this is a Wednesday I will have a little more peace of mind.

Here's a question for you. Can you approximate the age that you learned how to use a glue stick? When did you learn to put the glue on the smaller piece of paper that you were sticking to the bigger piece of paper, rather than all over the big piece of paper and then approximating the placement of the smaller piece?

I have third graders who don't know how to glue. I have flip books that don't flip because all of the pages are glued together. I have third graders after an entire unit on the brass instruments who can't tell the difference between the trumpet and the trombone. Slide kids... Slide.

Well... That's enough of my sad song. Sorry that this was not quite up beat. I just knew I needed to post so that the records of my life would not go by the way side.

Monday, February 16, 2009


So, This Saturday was Valentine's day. It was a nice day. We got up and worked out then came home and finally caught up on American Idol. After that we ate lunch and played some card games and finally wound up at the mall to watch a movie. This must have been the popular idea for V-day because I have never seen that place so crowded.

Last year we didn't get to spend V-day together because of conferences so it was nice to have the day. I got Husband our traditional DQ cake... delicious.

We are beginning to settle into a new tradition on Saturday that can be summarized in two words, "Car Talk."

No seriously... I am a fan. Those guys are so smart an so funny. I would highly recommend it.

That's it for Monday.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

From Elvis to Williams

I can tell it is spring semester. There is always so much more to do. I post less, and I pray for spring more.

January's musician of the month was Elvis, and February's is John Williams. The kids keep asking me which actor he was because I have a board of info up about him. I keep saying, he was not an actor he wrote the music for these movies.

I just spent 10 minutes doing research to convince a student that he never appeared in any of the jurassic park movies.

If I am wrong PLEASE let me know before I enter into this conversation with fifth grade boy who is so sure that he was in the first film...

That's all.