Tuesday, August 30, 2005

first day of Sr. Year

My first day of class, and I did not die. In fact, I even had a little fun. This year may prove to be exciting and fun, but it will also be a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual battle this I know for sure. Yet, I also know this for sure…God is good all of the time. Nothing happens without His knowing. He is in control. He is full of Grace. He understands my weaknesses and in them in made perfect. Praise Him!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Back at School

Well, here I am back at Tabor. It has taken me a while to post. Mostly because it took me a while to figure out that one of the internet cables was faulty, but now I am up and running.
So here is an update….I am a second semester senior this year majoring in music education. The most logical thing for me to do after college would be to teach music, but I don’t know if I am supposed to. I am still waiting on God to let me know. So for now if you ask what I am doing next year the answer will be, “probably something good.”
I moved into school early to work on freshmen orientation. It was so much fun. I love my group of freshmen a lot. They make me laugh and they assure me that Tabor will be in good hands when I graduate. (p.s. graduation is a frightening word)
I am beginning to get used to living in a house, but I still don’t know how it will really go until classes start. It will be difficult to get things done this year, simply because I have awesome friends who I want to hang out with ALL OF THE TIME!!!
Last night we went to Movie on the Lawn and watched National Treasury. It was a good movie, a little far fetched as Mike commented, but still entertaining. (It was a little too predictable and cheesy for me, but it was alright.) After movie on the lawn we went to the Prieb house to pray. It was good to come together to bless the year.
Thank you God for your mercies, your grace, and your everlasting love, that provide us with the ability to love each other.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Let the good times roll

Although I don’t have much to say, I’ve decided to post for nobody’s sake.
So this weekend I went to the lake with my friends from church. One of the guys in my small group has a thing with closeness; it is the opposite of what Mike W. thing with closeness is. Oh yes James likes closeness, squishing, and smashing his friends with the hopes that it will encourage group bonding. (I am sure the bonding is what causes Terry to play rock paper scissors with anyone to get out of riding three in the front seat of “the cruiser”) anyway….
After getting to the lake in one peace we played around for a while, went out on the boat. got thrown off a tube, threw a football around (I can throw but I can’t catch worth a darn), watched people roll down a hill in an inner-tube, and finally did what our group does best…ate. It was a great time. Afterward, we went to Danielle’s house to play ping-pong, foose ball, and basketball.
It is hard to come to the realization that this is the second to last day of summer. I love the months so much I would have them all year. Although I head back to school on Thursday, Let the good times with the small group keep on rolling!

Ode to a Frontloading Whirlpool Duet System

There is a new wonder in my house today
It came to live, and it came to stay.
It came to serve my mother deer,
And serve her well through many a year.
This grand pair stands like a sentry below,
Next door to the room where my dad keeps the hoe.
It shines neeth the glow of one bare light,
Promising to make clothing clean and bright.
With suds and water it washes my things.
The clothes come so clean it makes my mom sing.
But don’t watch to closely it spins quite a tizzy,
If you don’t heed my warning you’ll wind up quite dizzy.
So thanks to the Whirlpool from whence you came
Yes Whirlpool your brand sure lives up to its name.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Lucy, I'm Home!

I just got back from my family trip to Indiana, minus my sister. We made the trip there in good time, only 12.5 hours. Compairing to our normal 14 hr this drive went quite fast. We decided to take my sister’s dog Kyonna along. She proved a good car dog and made many friends at the rest areas.
I got to see a lot of relatives that I haven’t seen in many years. It was fun to get to know them better. The funniest thing that happened was at the Anniversary party (my G-parents 50th) one of my great aunts thought that I was my mom and that my mom was me. She kept telling people that I was married to my dad and that my mom was the Grand daughter of Morris and Joan. It took her a while to figure it out. She even told my mom that she had grown, (which is not true of my mom, and it is not true of me because I haven’t grown in about seven years myself. Why is it that when you are tall everyone must say, “My you’ve grown” even if they just saw you last year and you aren’t an inch taller than you were before? Seriously what’s the deal with phrases like… “My you’ve grown,” “My you’re tall,” “Such a pretty tall Girl.” “Why aren’t you Dating?” “When are we going to get to go to your wedding?”) Wow, that went on for a while. Perhaps I should make it its own paragraph, nah, I kind of like the disorganized madness.
Anyway the other fun thing that happened to me…drum roll please………..I got to drive a new Corvet. It was beautiful, so smooth and sleek, ahhhhhh the memories. I can’t wait to get the pictures.
Well, those are the interesting things that happened to me in Indiana.
Live Long and Prosper

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Summer Highlights

Well, I don’t have much summer left. Sabrah comes home today for 3 days then I leave for Indiana on Friday and get back Wednesday. After that it is just a hop skip and jump till I get to move back in to school. I am kind of in a reflective mood at this point so I have decided to jot down my favorite parts of the summer, if only for my own enjoyment…so here they are in no particular order:

Going Roller Skating with the PV kids
Going to the lake with my small group
My birthday and hanging out with my family
Watching Charley and the Chocolate factory with mom and friends (and laughing really hard with my mom)
Learning to communicate with my deaf PV kid
Music Theater of W. (getting dressed up and getting to see such talented people, and getting to hang out there with Chris)
Going to W. with Emily and having Chris cook us dinner then seeing Princess and the Pea in formal dress
Doing a High Ropes Course at work training
Going to CCC softball games
Hanging out after the game and playing a variety of random games like Ha Ha, Hoowa, Spoons, and the Human knot, and afterward talking with a friend till 4am.
Shopping with my sister.
Playing my first “Feminine Fatal” roll in The Sound of Music
Going to Landon’s house and seeing all of my school friends while a tornado swept 21st
Organizing the storage room at PV (disgusting but fun laughing with friends)
Playing with my sister’s Puppy
The day that my small group had a fish fry, then swam, then had a Barbeque

Hopefully the list will go on after my time with Sabrah and my Indiana trip. I will add those later. I am sure there are others that I am forgetting, but that was a highlight reel, if you will, of my summer activities.