Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Vacation, and first day O' work after senior year

My Summer vacation. I know, I know. It is much too early to have had a summer vacation already, but I successfully took a summer vacation one day after coming home from college and have now arrived back at home and had my first day at work. (40 word sentence! Talk about your run on’s.) I left Monday with Chris at 5:30am. And then drove for 29,823,985,758,392,834 hours, 834,982,354,834 of which were spent going through Illinois. Honestly it took about 13 hours, but it did take 834,982,354,834 hours to get through Illinois. I arrived at my Grandparents house in Indiana and then Chris went on to Goshen where he is working for the rest of the summer. My vacation included an enormous flee market in Middlebury IN, shopping at the Lighthouse Place Outlet Mall, going into Chicago for a day, Eating Rootbeer Ice Cream Cones with the Grand parents and Chris, hanging out with my other grandma, eating at fine restaurant establishments such as The Walnut Room, Hammers, and Holly Macaroni, and a couple of trips to Lake Michigan. (62 word sentence, getting better.) It was a wonderful time. I wish that I could write more or expound to give you a better idea of all that I got to do, but it would be as long as a book, and who has that kind of time. I would like to give huge big thanks to my grandparents, Chris, Aunt Pat, and Vi (even though I didn’t get to see you) for the wonderful time that I had.
I am glad to be home. I started training for PV today. We have to go through a lot of the same stuff that we did last year, but I don’t mind. It is a good review, and hey, I get paid for it. I only got to work till 2:00 today because there was a bad storm, and the streets flooded. It took me three different rout attempts to get home. I finally came charging up the street in my low to the ground car. Dad thought that I was going to kill it, but I made it. Timmy must be part fish. (the car is Timmy) Anyway….I am beginning to get my head into the summer pattern. I will have more to say later. Right now it is time to say

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

This morning I woke up, and I had a bad stomach ache. I thought about it for a while, and I came to a conclusion. I have the reverse of what I had before college. Before my freshmen year I had pre college anxiety, and now I am a victim of post college anxiety. Before college it was mostly an anxiety of what I would face when I got to college, but now it is more of an anxiety over what I may loose. I have made the most amazing friends that I have ever had here at Tabor. The people who I have known throughout my years of school who are graduating with me mean more to me than I can express. May this be a tribute to them.

Amy – No one will ever be as loyal or as close
Amanda – No one will ever be as quick witted, hilarious, or easy to scare
Becky – No one will ever keep me speechless as long as you can, or be as sparkling as you are
Rachel P – No one will ever keep me on my toes so much, or care so much
Roman – No man (except one) will ever be as protective, or brotherly
Cara – No one will ever surprise me with weird moods like you do
Doc O. – No one will ever make me think like you do
Jonathan – No one will ever be as unexpected as you are, or as brave
Jenna – No one will be as eloquent as you are, or have as creative of a mind as you have
Jill – No one will ever make up wonderful morning songs like you
Landon – No one will ever make me as puzzled as you do, or be as evident in striving for strength of faith
Kindra – No one will ever make me laugh as you do
Mike B. – No one will ever be as honest as you
Val – No one will ever be as friendly as you are
Lucas – No one will ever be as passionate as you are about the things that you love
Rachel used to be W but now is R – No one will ever share like you do, or give hugs like you
Amy used to be M but now is T – No one will ever have Guns as big as yours or be as perseverant as you are
Nick – No one will ever be as passionate in new forms of ministry as you are

Although there will be people that come along who excel in these areas, I will always remember you for these things. I love you all. God Bless

Sunday, May 14, 2006

There is always joy

So, when you were little was there ever something that you knew that you wanted to do before Jesus came back? Well, I was a child of high aspirations so I didn’t have just one thing that I wanted to do, but I had a bunch of things. I could go into the list of old things, but a lot of those don’t matter any more. I am not saying that i do not long for the day that Jesus returns, but I guess that what I am trying to say is this: Even though life on this earth is hard and we experience pain, the joy and good that we are allowed to discover outweighs a million sorrows.
God gives incredible joy,
Tonight it is through people,
Tomorrow it may be something else,
But there is always joy…

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A lot on my mind

I should be working on my projects (multiple) that are due within the next week, but instead I decided to remind myself of today. I want to remember it. It was cold this morning. Honestly and truly cold. The clock in the bathroom was wrong, and it threw my entire morning off. I went to class and shivered through Church Music and Worship. I wish I could have concentrated. There was a lot on my mind. I went to pray at the 24 hour prayer after that, and then went to eat lunch. We also had our choir pictures today. How many men does it take to come up with one pare of black dress socks? Answer: A lot. After choir I read Harold Best, tried to read Harold Best with a lot on my mind, and then tried to fall asleep, with a lot on my mind. I did homework. Chris came over and we talked about how exhausted we are because of his birthday and the late night at Old Chicago. We went to dinner, and then I came back here, looked at a Pottery Barn Book that Laura checked out, and came down to write this...I still have a lot on my mind.
I should change my calendar to May.