Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A lot on my mind

I should be working on my projects (multiple) that are due within the next week, but instead I decided to remind myself of today. I want to remember it. It was cold this morning. Honestly and truly cold. The clock in the bathroom was wrong, and it threw my entire morning off. I went to class and shivered through Church Music and Worship. I wish I could have concentrated. There was a lot on my mind. I went to pray at the 24 hour prayer after that, and then went to eat lunch. We also had our choir pictures today. How many men does it take to come up with one pare of black dress socks? Answer: A lot. After choir I read Harold Best, tried to read Harold Best with a lot on my mind, and then tried to fall asleep, with a lot on my mind. I did homework. Chris came over and we talked about how exhausted we are because of his birthday and the late night at Old Chicago. We went to dinner, and then I came back here, looked at a Pottery Barn Book that Laura checked out, and came down to write this...I still have a lot on my mind.
I should change my calendar to May.

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