Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Vacation, and first day O' work after senior year

My Summer vacation. I know, I know. It is much too early to have had a summer vacation already, but I successfully took a summer vacation one day after coming home from college and have now arrived back at home and had my first day at work. (40 word sentence! Talk about your run on’s.) I left Monday with Chris at 5:30am. And then drove for 29,823,985,758,392,834 hours, 834,982,354,834 of which were spent going through Illinois. Honestly it took about 13 hours, but it did take 834,982,354,834 hours to get through Illinois. I arrived at my Grandparents house in Indiana and then Chris went on to Goshen where he is working for the rest of the summer. My vacation included an enormous flee market in Middlebury IN, shopping at the Lighthouse Place Outlet Mall, going into Chicago for a day, Eating Rootbeer Ice Cream Cones with the Grand parents and Chris, hanging out with my other grandma, eating at fine restaurant establishments such as The Walnut Room, Hammers, and Holly Macaroni, and a couple of trips to Lake Michigan. (62 word sentence, getting better.) It was a wonderful time. I wish that I could write more or expound to give you a better idea of all that I got to do, but it would be as long as a book, and who has that kind of time. I would like to give huge big thanks to my grandparents, Chris, Aunt Pat, and Vi (even though I didn’t get to see you) for the wonderful time that I had.
I am glad to be home. I started training for PV today. We have to go through a lot of the same stuff that we did last year, but I don’t mind. It is a good review, and hey, I get paid for it. I only got to work till 2:00 today because there was a bad storm, and the streets flooded. It took me three different rout attempts to get home. I finally came charging up the street in my low to the ground car. Dad thought that I was going to kill it, but I made it. Timmy must be part fish. (the car is Timmy) Anyway….I am beginning to get my head into the summer pattern. I will have more to say later. Right now it is time to say

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