Wednesday, February 04, 2009

From Elvis to Williams

I can tell it is spring semester. There is always so much more to do. I post less, and I pray for spring more.

January's musician of the month was Elvis, and February's is John Williams. The kids keep asking me which actor he was because I have a board of info up about him. I keep saying, he was not an actor he wrote the music for these movies.

I just spent 10 minutes doing research to convince a student that he never appeared in any of the jurassic park movies.

If I am wrong PLEASE let me know before I enter into this conversation with fifth grade boy who is so sure that he was in the first film...

That's all.

1 comment:

Mrs. Buller said...

i like the spring colors! i want it to be spring.

i only found john williams as actor in 3 things. none of them jurassic park.

i'll try and email you soon.

the word verification: evantsh. hmm.