Well, the band came back on Tuesdaay, and I am no longer the foster parent to one possibly pregnant Kitti. I have to be honest, I understand cats much better than I used to. I used to think that you couldn't give cats commands like, come, no, and down, but cats, or at least this cat, responds to general commands. Except for when she does not want to come into the house for the night. Then your best bet is to let her sit outside till she gets bored and beggs to come in.
It is good to have Chris back. He had a good time on Band Tour. He even got to eat one of my favorite kind of German Chocolate. (Kinder chocolate) I asked him to bring me Kinder Bueno (a variation of this chocolate),on the condition that I never say the word Nummies again. In a surprising turn of events, the little shop containing the chocolate was closed when he tried to go back and get some. I don't know if this means that I can still say Nummies or not.
This afternoon I am bound for the Foot's wedding. She is getting married in Oklahoma tomorrow so Amy, Rachel, Sharon, Elise and I are traveling together today to go to the rehearsal and help with things. We get to stay in a guest house all together. It should be a great time. I hope I am awake enough for the event. This weekend is FULL of stuff to get done.
As an update on the rest of my life: I don't like apartment hunting. It is stressful and should not be a necessary part of re-locating. Just pray that I find something the I like that is affordable and close to my school.
Sometime I want to hear the song Closing Time on the radio. Hopefully soon.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
(Written from the perspective of) Saturday April 21
This morning I spent my time with Simba the cat. She is needy. We read a book, played, and ate breakfast together. Then she meowed at me for 30 min, and it was time for me to go.
At 2:00 I went to Charles, and we began our cooking adventure. We began with the Cake. It was amazing the ingredients were
1lb bakers chocolate
1 3/4 stick butter
1 tbsp flower
1 tbsp sugar
5 medium eggs
That's it. Then entire thing is made mostly of chocolate. AMAZING!
After that we worked on the bred (Italian sausage and herb), Green Bean casserole, peanut butter and jelly meatballs (Much better than they sound), French Onion Soup, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Salad, and Pork chops and Rice. The food turned out amazing!
During the cooking, Rachel and I left to watch the promenade. I had a lot of fun watching the students drive up in their fun cars and watching them try to function like they normally would even dressed up in formal wear.
After that we went back and ate supper at the Remples, and then I went to take care of Simba again.
The evening ended at Rachel's where Becca and Aaron were baking pie. I froed out Aaron's hair, and Becca did the same to hers. They then got out their paints and painted with Bob Ross as we all watched. (the hair frowing was in dedication to Bob's awesome Afro!) I have to say that Aaron looked pretty good with the poof.
I was so tired that I turned in early, but after I left, Becca made her painting and another painting into impressionistic paintings with her Fingers. They look amazing!
It was a great day! One to remember.
At 2:00 I went to Charles, and we began our cooking adventure. We began with the Cake. It was amazing the ingredients were
1lb bakers chocolate
1 3/4 stick butter
1 tbsp flower
1 tbsp sugar
5 medium eggs
That's it. Then entire thing is made mostly of chocolate. AMAZING!
After that we worked on the bred (Italian sausage and herb), Green Bean casserole, peanut butter and jelly meatballs (Much better than they sound), French Onion Soup, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Salad, and Pork chops and Rice. The food turned out amazing!
During the cooking, Rachel and I left to watch the promenade. I had a lot of fun watching the students drive up in their fun cars and watching them try to function like they normally would even dressed up in formal wear.
After that we went back and ate supper at the Remples, and then I went to take care of Simba again.
The evening ended at Rachel's where Becca and Aaron were baking pie. I froed out Aaron's hair, and Becca did the same to hers. They then got out their paints and painted with Bob Ross as we all watched. (the hair frowing was in dedication to Bob's awesome Afro!) I have to say that Aaron looked pretty good with the poof.
I was so tired that I turned in early, but after I left, Becca made her painting and another painting into impressionistic paintings with her Fingers. They look amazing!
It was a great day! One to remember.
Response to Sunday's earthday experience
So, I took the quiz that Doc has on his blog and these are my results. I am not sure how accurate they are because even though my part of Fern's house is only in the 500 sq ft category, the rest of the house is much bigger but I have no idea how much bigger. I think that obviously my biggest problem is the food issue. It is just so difficult to buy and eat food that is locally grown especially when I don't garden or can things.
Anyway do want to encourage anyone who reads this to consider the three R's (and not the scholastic ones) Yes, I am talking about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Why? Because it is important for us to take care of what God has given us.
FOOD 5.9
So what did I do on earth day? After a globally awakening church service, I went to Wichita with Amy and Gallivanted.
It was a wonderful experience, but not very globally friendly. We browsed a lot of stores, and bought not much. I did get a pare of black dress shoes which I was really excited about because I haven't been able to find any that I would buy for about 5 months. I also got a little yellow shirt which I am wearing today. (Hurrah for more clothes to wear for teaching!)We also went to a new store called "World Market." It was like a cross between Pottery Barn, Bed Bath and Beyond, Ten Thousand Villages, and Whole Foods. It was a great place to shop around. Amy bought an incense burner for the incense that Jen Jen brought back from Australia.
After Gallivanting, we went back to Amy's house and strung necklaces. All in all it was a great day!
Anyway do want to encourage anyone who reads this to consider the three R's (and not the scholastic ones) Yes, I am talking about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Why? Because it is important for us to take care of what God has given us.
FOOD 5.9
So what did I do on earth day? After a globally awakening church service, I went to Wichita with Amy and Gallivanted.
It was a wonderful experience, but not very globally friendly. We browsed a lot of stores, and bought not much. I did get a pare of black dress shoes which I was really excited about because I haven't been able to find any that I would buy for about 5 months. I also got a little yellow shirt which I am wearing today. (Hurrah for more clothes to wear for teaching!)We also went to a new store called "World Market." It was like a cross between Pottery Barn, Bed Bath and Beyond, Ten Thousand Villages, and Whole Foods. It was a great place to shop around. Amy bought an incense burner for the incense that Jen Jen brought back from Australia.
After Gallivanting, we went back to Amy's house and strung necklaces. All in all it was a great day!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Desolate Hillsboro
Well, Here I sit. Not at the Library where I normally post, but in Justin and Elise's house. They (along with many other Tabor students) are on Band Tour and currently are traveling from Denver CO to Utah. I am Cat sitting for them. Simba is a good cat, but last night after I let her into the house she lost her collar and now I don't know if I should let her roam around outside without one on.... The dilemma of not knowing anything about the cat/collar relationship is much more troubling than I had expected.
Since Chris and Justin were gone, and Amy is out of town, last night I filled my empty afternoon and evening with 6 and 1/2 episodes of Gilmore Girls. I watched the first six episodes. Three of which I have not seen. I plan on continuing this faithful watching now so that Chris does not have to endure it while he is in the same state with me.
It is windy. There is a stiff south wind that I will have to ride my bike into on my way back to my house. It made getting here much too easy so I guess that I will have to pay my dues to the ever-blowing Kansas wind.
Today, I plan on spending the day in cooking Lab with Charles R. He is a wonderful cook, and is going to teach me some of the secrets of the trade. I am truly excited especially for the chocolate cake. The whole ordeal starts at 2 and will wind up around 6. I will let you know the outcome of my cooking experience.
Since Chris and Justin were gone, and Amy is out of town, last night I filled my empty afternoon and evening with 6 and 1/2 episodes of Gilmore Girls. I watched the first six episodes. Three of which I have not seen. I plan on continuing this faithful watching now so that Chris does not have to endure it while he is in the same state with me.
It is windy. There is a stiff south wind that I will have to ride my bike into on my way back to my house. It made getting here much too easy so I guess that I will have to pay my dues to the ever-blowing Kansas wind.
Today, I plan on spending the day in cooking Lab with Charles R. He is a wonderful cook, and is going to teach me some of the secrets of the trade. I am truly excited especially for the chocolate cake. The whole ordeal starts at 2 and will wind up around 6. I will let you know the outcome of my cooking experience.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Saving this for a busy day
So, I don't have time to post. I filled this out a long time ago and saved it for when I didn't have time to post.
Here ya go:
1. You hung out with? My parents
2. Saw you cry: Someone at the Thursday performance of Over the River and Through the Woods
3. Went to the movies with you? Chris and his Family (Night at the Museum)
1. 4. You went to the mall with? Justin, Elise, Chris (For about 10 min)
5. You went to dinner with? My Family (for my sister’s Birthday)
6. You talked on the phone to? Thee Bookstore (ordering Senior Bibles for graduation)
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it? Chris
W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R ?
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Nose
2. Be serious or be funny? Funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Skim (cheaper and less fat!)
4. Die in a fire or drown? Fire of Smoke Inhalation (Is that a cop out?)
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents
D O . Y O U . P R E F E R . . .
1. Flowers or candy? Wild Flowers
2. Gray or black? Black (it is so classy)
3. Color or Black and white photos? Color (if it is quality color, then Black and White)
4. Lust or love? Love
5. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles or Peanut Butter M&M’s
7. Staying up late or waking up early? Neither (It’s the truth. My favorite time of day is between 10:00 am and 9:00 pm. I like daylight a lot, unless it is a warm summer night.)
D O . Y O U . P R E F E R . . .
1. Sun or moon? Sun
2. Winter or Fall? Fall
3. Left or right? (Brained, or Handed?) Right for both
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? Two best friends
5. Sunny or rainy? Sunny
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla
A B O U T . Y O U
1. What time is it? 10:22
2. First and middle Name? Jennifer Kay
3. Nickname(s): Jen, Jenni, Hope, Krebs, Slick, Hot Lips, Looser (thanks sister), and Hopie (thanks Natalie)
4. What is your birth date? August 2, 1983 (Did you know that current high school freshmen were born in 1990?)
5. What do you want? To always be in God’s will
6. Where do you want to live? Anywhere, Hopefully outside of the USA for a while
7. How many kids do you want? I used to want six, now I don’t know if I want kids (No Clue)
8. You want to get married? Yes
1. Nervous habit: I bite my nails
2. Are you double jointed? No
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes, I taught myself last summer
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Not very well. I am working on it.
5. Can you cross your eyes? Yes
6. Do you make your bed daily? For about a month at a time, then I don’t for a while, then I do again
1. Which shoe goes on first? Right (unless they are sandals and I am sitting, then which ever is closest)
2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone? People, Walls, Other Random Objects…
3. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? $5 or $10
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I always Twirl (What is the point of eating a long noodle when you cut it up?)
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? I don’t think so. If I did it was in junior high when spam was quite humorous to my good friends and I.
3. Favorite ice cream: Cookies and Cream, Coffee with chocolate chips, Vanilla
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? Three: Bran Flakes, Rice Crispies, Golden Grahams
5. What's your favorite beverage? Pepsi, Ginger ail, Grape Juice
6. What's your favorite food? Ethnic Food (Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Italian, and lots more)
7. Do you cook? Yes
I N . T H E . L A S T . M O N T H . H A V E . Y O U ?
1. Had a b/f or g/f? Yes
2. Bought something: Yes
3. Most expensive thing you bought? A Dress (a very awesome dress)
4. Sang: YES
5. Been hugged: Yes
6. Felt stupid: Probably
7. Missed someone: Yes
8. Got drunk: No
9. Danced crazy: Yes
10. Gotten your hair cut: Yes
11. Cried: Yes
12. Lied: No
13. Snuck out of the house: No (sneaking out of one’s own house is a bit… pointless)
Here ya go:
1. You hung out with? My parents
2. Saw you cry: Someone at the Thursday performance of Over the River and Through the Woods
3. Went to the movies with you? Chris and his Family (Night at the Museum)
1. 4. You went to the mall with? Justin, Elise, Chris (For about 10 min)
5. You went to dinner with? My Family (for my sister’s Birthday)
6. You talked on the phone to? Thee Bookstore (ordering Senior Bibles for graduation)
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it? Chris
W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R ?
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Nose
2. Be serious or be funny? Funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Skim (cheaper and less fat!)
4. Die in a fire or drown? Fire of Smoke Inhalation (Is that a cop out?)
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents
D O . Y O U . P R E F E R . . .
1. Flowers or candy? Wild Flowers
2. Gray or black? Black (it is so classy)
3. Color or Black and white photos? Color (if it is quality color, then Black and White)
4. Lust or love? Love
5. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles or Peanut Butter M&M’s
7. Staying up late or waking up early? Neither (It’s the truth. My favorite time of day is between 10:00 am and 9:00 pm. I like daylight a lot, unless it is a warm summer night.)
D O . Y O U . P R E F E R . . .
1. Sun or moon? Sun
2. Winter or Fall? Fall
3. Left or right? (Brained, or Handed?) Right for both
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? Two best friends
5. Sunny or rainy? Sunny
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla
A B O U T . Y O U
1. What time is it? 10:22
2. First and middle Name? Jennifer Kay
3. Nickname(s): Jen, Jenni, Hope, Krebs, Slick, Hot Lips, Looser (thanks sister), and Hopie (thanks Natalie)
4. What is your birth date? August 2, 1983 (Did you know that current high school freshmen were born in 1990?)
5. What do you want? To always be in God’s will
6. Where do you want to live? Anywhere, Hopefully outside of the USA for a while
7. How many kids do you want? I used to want six, now I don’t know if I want kids (No Clue)
8. You want to get married? Yes
1. Nervous habit: I bite my nails
2. Are you double jointed? No
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes, I taught myself last summer
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Not very well. I am working on it.
5. Can you cross your eyes? Yes
6. Do you make your bed daily? For about a month at a time, then I don’t for a while, then I do again
1. Which shoe goes on first? Right (unless they are sandals and I am sitting, then which ever is closest)
2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone? People, Walls, Other Random Objects…
3. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? $5 or $10
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I always Twirl (What is the point of eating a long noodle when you cut it up?)
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? I don’t think so. If I did it was in junior high when spam was quite humorous to my good friends and I.
3. Favorite ice cream: Cookies and Cream, Coffee with chocolate chips, Vanilla
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? Three: Bran Flakes, Rice Crispies, Golden Grahams
5. What's your favorite beverage? Pepsi, Ginger ail, Grape Juice
6. What's your favorite food? Ethnic Food (Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Italian, and lots more)
7. Do you cook? Yes
I N . T H E . L A S T . M O N T H . H A V E . Y O U ?
1. Had a b/f or g/f? Yes
2. Bought something: Yes
3. Most expensive thing you bought? A Dress (a very awesome dress)
4. Sang: YES
5. Been hugged: Yes
6. Felt stupid: Probably
7. Missed someone: Yes
8. Got drunk: No
9. Danced crazy: Yes
10. Gotten your hair cut: Yes
11. Cried: Yes
12. Lied: No
13. Snuck out of the house: No (sneaking out of one’s own house is a bit… pointless)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
You Too
I am subbing at the Middle School today. I passed a teacher in the hallway. It was one of those "Long Hallway" encounter where you see the person approaching from far off and then debate for the next half a minute what you are going to say. I decided that I would speak first so that I was not caught unaware. I went with the traditional opener:
which was met with the reply:
"Doing well"
Not the correct response.
He had obviously thought that I would opt for the "Hi, How are you?" or the ever present "'Sup? (accompanied by head jerk)" option. But his anguish did not stop there. The "Doing Well" was complemented by:
"Doing Well, uhh... (Mutter, mutter, indistinguishable words...) Nice day..."
And then his voice trailed off as he continued his long walk down the hall to encounter his next...er...victim.
I only recount this encounter because I have the terrible habit of "You Too" when it is not applicable.
"Have a nice trip." - You too. but they aren't going anywhere.
"Good Luck on your apartment hunting." - You too. but they still have years of college to complete
"Get well soon." You too. but they haven't been sick since last July.
And the such.
So "Doing Well, Nice Day" guy. Keep Looking up! Because it is hard to make eye contact in the hallway that way.
which was met with the reply:
"Doing well"
Not the correct response.
He had obviously thought that I would opt for the "Hi, How are you?" or the ever present "'Sup? (accompanied by head jerk)" option. But his anguish did not stop there. The "Doing Well" was complemented by:
"Doing Well, uhh... (Mutter, mutter, indistinguishable words...) Nice day..."
And then his voice trailed off as he continued his long walk down the hall to encounter his next...er...victim.
I only recount this encounter because I have the terrible habit of "You Too" when it is not applicable.
"Have a nice trip." - You too. but they aren't going anywhere.
"Good Luck on your apartment hunting." - You too. but they still have years of college to complete
"Get well soon." You too. but they haven't been sick since last July.
And the such.
So "Doing Well, Nice Day" guy. Keep Looking up! Because it is hard to make eye contact in the hallway that way.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This post is a dedication to my friend Elise.
Elise came to Tabor when I was a Junior. She has a sparkling personality that makes those around her feel great. She seeks God with all her heart and strives to be a wonderful wife, student, and vocalist.
Tonight Elise will give her Junior Recital with Andrew playing a trumpet concerto. I am delighted to also be singing her last number with her.
Good Luck Wonderful Friend. You will be amazing.
Tragedy Strikes Everywhere,
Sometimes the tragedies are personal, simply occurring within ones own person. They are emotional, mental, or physical trials that we do not let escape outside of the world of one.
Sometimes these tragedies escape our tall walls of self preservation and bleed over into the lives of the people we care about. Often this hemorrhaging of personal tragedy is beyond the control of the person bleeding. Sometimes they are completely unaware of their own tragedy, and sometimes they are unaware of reality altogether.
Tragedy can also come in horrific proportions such as mass chaos and the taking of innocent lives. These are the tragedies that get noticed. These are the tragedies that go down in histories. Terrorism, War, Mass Murder...
So, What do we do? How do we react? Prayer.
How do we help? How do we take action? Reliance on God to give us direction.
How do we mend? Only through the balm of the Living God.
How do we hope while others we love are still broken? By hoping in the power of Jesus Christ the Risen Lord.
Sometimes the tragedies are personal, simply occurring within ones own person. They are emotional, mental, or physical trials that we do not let escape outside of the world of one.
Sometimes these tragedies escape our tall walls of self preservation and bleed over into the lives of the people we care about. Often this hemorrhaging of personal tragedy is beyond the control of the person bleeding. Sometimes they are completely unaware of their own tragedy, and sometimes they are unaware of reality altogether.
Tragedy can also come in horrific proportions such as mass chaos and the taking of innocent lives. These are the tragedies that get noticed. These are the tragedies that go down in histories. Terrorism, War, Mass Murder...
So, What do we do? How do we react? Prayer.
How do we help? How do we take action? Reliance on God to give us direction.
How do we mend? Only through the balm of the Living God.
How do we hope while others we love are still broken? By hoping in the power of Jesus Christ the Risen Lord.
Monday, April 16, 2007
I don't get it
Sometimes there are days that are so bizarre that it seems like I am dreaming. Yesterday was one of those days. Today I can only ask God, "Why?"
The rest of the weekend went well, but right now that seems pretty distant.
There is a Waterdeep song that keeps running through my head, so I will close with that.
Waterdeep: "Psalm 131"
Oh Lord my heart is not lifted up
My eyes are not raised to high for Thee
I do not think on things to great or marvelous
Or matters too difficult for me
But I have calmed and quieted my soul
Like a weaned child is my soul within me
I have calmed and quieted my soul
Like a weaned child with its mother is my soul within me
O Israel trust in the Lord
From this time forth and forevermore
O Israel trust in the Lord
From this time forth and forevermore
The rest of the weekend went well, but right now that seems pretty distant.
There is a Waterdeep song that keeps running through my head, so I will close with that.
Waterdeep: "Psalm 131"
Oh Lord my heart is not lifted up
My eyes are not raised to high for Thee
I do not think on things to great or marvelous
Or matters too difficult for me
But I have calmed and quieted my soul
Like a weaned child is my soul within me
I have calmed and quieted my soul
Like a weaned child with its mother is my soul within me
O Israel trust in the Lord
From this time forth and forevermore
O Israel trust in the Lord
From this time forth and forevermore
Friday, April 13, 2007
Wedding Buzz
Well, Tizz the season to get married. The summer months are approaching...
How many weekends are you traveling to weddings?
How many weddings are you missing to go to other weddings?
How much gas will be spent on the average trip to weddings this summer?
Is that why gas is so high? (curse fossil fuels!)
Do you have your wedding gifts lined up?
How are you helping your soon to be wedded friends?
What kind of bridal shower are you throwing?
How many bridal showers are you attending this spring?
How many Bridal showers did you miss because the Postal system did not work and you got the invitation two days after the actual wedding shower? (I missed One. Sorry Jill, the postal system failed me!)
Do you say yes to do the brides hair? Do you say no to the bride EVER?!?!?
Do you serve the punch or the cake?
How do you decorate the getaway car? Are you nice or mischievous?
Do you cut the circular cake in wedges or in long thin slices? (Try to cut the rectangular cake in circles!)
Are the groom's men banned from the vicinity of the punch bowl before the reception?
Are the groom's men banned from the entire reception? (Does that remind anyone else of King's Men?)
Do you take the "And Guest" or do you leave the "And Guest" at home?
What if YOU are the "And Guest," Do you go or do you stay at home?
Should I make friends with a pilot who can take me to Texas in May?
What do you say to His or Her side of the family in the somewhat awkward reception line? Does "Congratulations" really cut it?
Are you going to see these beloved friends who are getting married ever again?
Does this mean that your turn is coming? Will it ever come? (Probably round the mountain when it comes...)
What do you wear? Will it rain? Do you still wear the hot little dress to the wedding if it is cold? (YES!)
What would happen if you stood up and cried I OBJECT at the end of the wedding?
What if the "And Guest" stands up at the end of the wedding and cries I OBJECT!
What if the "And Guest" was your crazy uncle Bob?
Do I really go to Oklahoma 4 weekends in a row this June?
Should I rent an apartment in Oklahoma this June? (Probably)
Now I don't want people to get the wrong Idea. I actually love going to weddings. I am not a huge fan of receptions, but they have potential to be fun. I like the excuse to get out of town on the weekends to travel to weddings. I like staying in Cabanas in Oklahoma. I love my friends. I wish them well. I wish their husbands well. I pray for them in their first year of marriage.
So for all of you staring weddings in the face this summer, Shout Huzzah! And Don't Forget to weld the vents shut on your Get away car, or that thing is going to smell like Blue Cheese for months!
How many weekends are you traveling to weddings?
How many weddings are you missing to go to other weddings?
How much gas will be spent on the average trip to weddings this summer?
Is that why gas is so high? (curse fossil fuels!)
Do you have your wedding gifts lined up?
How are you helping your soon to be wedded friends?
What kind of bridal shower are you throwing?
How many bridal showers are you attending this spring?
How many Bridal showers did you miss because the Postal system did not work and you got the invitation two days after the actual wedding shower? (I missed One. Sorry Jill, the postal system failed me!)
Do you say yes to do the brides hair? Do you say no to the bride EVER?!?!?
Do you serve the punch or the cake?
How do you decorate the getaway car? Are you nice or mischievous?
Do you cut the circular cake in wedges or in long thin slices? (Try to cut the rectangular cake in circles!)
Are the groom's men banned from the vicinity of the punch bowl before the reception?
Are the groom's men banned from the entire reception? (Does that remind anyone else of King's Men?)
Do you take the "And Guest" or do you leave the "And Guest" at home?
What if YOU are the "And Guest," Do you go or do you stay at home?
Should I make friends with a pilot who can take me to Texas in May?
What do you say to His or Her side of the family in the somewhat awkward reception line? Does "Congratulations" really cut it?
Are you going to see these beloved friends who are getting married ever again?
Does this mean that your turn is coming? Will it ever come? (Probably round the mountain when it comes...)
What do you wear? Will it rain? Do you still wear the hot little dress to the wedding if it is cold? (YES!)
What would happen if you stood up and cried I OBJECT at the end of the wedding?
What if the "And Guest" stands up at the end of the wedding and cries I OBJECT!
What if the "And Guest" was your crazy uncle Bob?
Do I really go to Oklahoma 4 weekends in a row this June?
Should I rent an apartment in Oklahoma this June? (Probably)
Now I don't want people to get the wrong Idea. I actually love going to weddings. I am not a huge fan of receptions, but they have potential to be fun. I like the excuse to get out of town on the weekends to travel to weddings. I like staying in Cabanas in Oklahoma. I love my friends. I wish them well. I wish their husbands well. I pray for them in their first year of marriage.
So for all of you staring weddings in the face this summer, Shout Huzzah! And Don't Forget to weld the vents shut on your Get away car, or that thing is going to smell like Blue Cheese for months!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Cary Grant

Last night Amy, Rachel, and I watched Operation Petticoat and then we watched To Catch a Thief with Mike, Roman, and Chris. Both were excellent examples of later years of Cary Grant. I would have to say that Grant is one of my favorite actors of all time. Although there is serious rumor of him having a non traditional lifestyle, He is one of my favorite people to watch on the old silver screen. I would encourage anyone who enjoys old films to check out these two movies as well as, Arsenic and Old Lace, His Girl Friday, Father Goose, Charade, and Dream Wife. Each for its own Grant qualities. Our only beef with Grant? Why did you insist on wearing your pants so enormously high. I know that the era called for a tall trouser, but did you have to exceed height of any of the other people with whom you were on screen? Oh well... At least you made up for it in physical comedy, facial expression, good looks, and charm.
Cheers to you Cary! What a guy.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Yes No Maybe So
Do you ever feel like you are going round in circles chasing something? That is how I feel today.
Easter was great.
Friday-we went to Salina and drove around with my mom and sister. Then we went back to my house in Mac and ate Chinese food. We watched Open Season with my family. Then Chris and I watched Lady in the Water. His movies keep getting weirder and weirder.
Saturday-we went to Wichita to see Chris' family. The entire family was there. (both sides.) It was a colorful evening. I wish that we all weren't so tired. Everyone under the age of 24 looked like they were going to pass out.
Sunday-we lead music at our sunrise service at the reservoir. (my hands have never been so cold) It was 20 degrees out there. Then we went to 1st for church. Chris did a great job with the music. The choir sounded great! Then in the afternoon we went back to my parents house. We had a relaxing time there and then Kati and I died our hair. Mine is just a bit redder than my natural color, and hers is just a bit blacker than her natural color. It was a success.
Monday-not much has happened, just a lot of working and a lot of getting ready for senior night tonight.
I need a Nap
Easter was great.
Friday-we went to Salina and drove around with my mom and sister. Then we went back to my house in Mac and ate Chinese food. We watched Open Season with my family. Then Chris and I watched Lady in the Water. His movies keep getting weirder and weirder.
Saturday-we went to Wichita to see Chris' family. The entire family was there. (both sides.) It was a colorful evening. I wish that we all weren't so tired. Everyone under the age of 24 looked like they were going to pass out.
Sunday-we lead music at our sunrise service at the reservoir. (my hands have never been so cold) It was 20 degrees out there. Then we went to 1st for church. Chris did a great job with the music. The choir sounded great! Then in the afternoon we went back to my parents house. We had a relaxing time there and then Kati and I died our hair. Mine is just a bit redder than my natural color, and hers is just a bit blacker than her natural color. It was a success.
Monday-not much has happened, just a lot of working and a lot of getting ready for senior night tonight.
I need a Nap
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Potty Stomping
As most of you who read this blog may know, for the past three months I have been working as a Secretary here in the Alumni Department at Tabor. The office has been out of sorts for the past while due to a potty problem. The toilet on our half of the building has been "acting up," (not flushing as it is supposed to and running long after it should have stopped.)
We had the same problem about a month ago, and the Potty Stompers came. These men, who obviously have plumbing background experience, come into the office, take the toilet up off of the floor, put a large machine over the potty hole, and start it up. This machine makes a low rumbling sound which is accompanied by random sounds of vigorous stomping (which at times sounds like slow jack hammering). My office is adjacent to the bathroom, so the potty stomping is clearly heard from my desk. When these men come to stomp the potty, the other men who work in my office do the right thing and assist the potty stompers in any way they need. They check the progress of the stomping in the washroom, in the other offices, outside the office, and around the back of the office. After they fixed the problem last month, we got a new potty. This new potty was an estimated three to four inches taller than the last one that we had. (All in the office commented on the beauty and elevation of the new potty.)
Yesterday, the new potty broke. Today, the potty stompers are back.
We had the same problem about a month ago, and the Potty Stompers came. These men, who obviously have plumbing background experience, come into the office, take the toilet up off of the floor, put a large machine over the potty hole, and start it up. This machine makes a low rumbling sound which is accompanied by random sounds of vigorous stomping (which at times sounds like slow jack hammering). My office is adjacent to the bathroom, so the potty stomping is clearly heard from my desk. When these men come to stomp the potty, the other men who work in my office do the right thing and assist the potty stompers in any way they need. They check the progress of the stomping in the washroom, in the other offices, outside the office, and around the back of the office. After they fixed the problem last month, we got a new potty. This new potty was an estimated three to four inches taller than the last one that we had. (All in the office commented on the beauty and elevation of the new potty.)
Yesterday, the new potty broke. Today, the potty stompers are back.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
If I were an olympian...
Last night, after teaching voice lessons, I went to Rachel, Amy, and Laura's. We talked and watched Dancing with the Stars. After that was over we watched Cool Runnings. This morning I got to thinking about what kind of Olympian I would be if I had the chance to be an Olympian.
(In this wondering I did not take into account my almost 6 foot frame since that dictates some of the events in which a person can participate.)
I found that I am most drawn to sports in both the winter and summer Olympics.
(In this wondering I did not take into account my almost 6 foot frame since that dictates some of the events in which a person can participate.)
I found that I am most drawn to sports in both the winter and summer Olympics.
- I would honestly like to bobsled a lot. I know that it may seem cliche to say after I have just watched Cool Runnings, but I like to think that the film has no influence over my desire.
- I think that I would also enjoy slalom skiing. Something about the motion and the control of the skier is thrillingly precise.
- The Luge scares me beyond all shadow of a doubt, but if I prove to be good at it, I think it would be a blast. (I have similar thoughts about sky diving.)
- Put me in a pool, and as long as I don't have to do the Butterfly I will be happy!!!
- Being on the diving team also would be AMAZING!
- Although I would detest playing sand volleyball in the little things that they wear, I would love having that kind of athleticism and endurance.
- I want to be a high jumper! Their event is the most awesome field event, right behind...
- THE HAMMER THROW. ('nouf said)
- If I could Compete, Really Compete in a Triathlon, it would be great. (I wish that I could only do the Swimming, and Cycling part. I hate running.)
- I would NOT jump anywhere on skis, not for any amount of money, even if I was good at it.
- Boxing is completely out of the question. (can women even box in the Olympics?)
- Rhythmic Gymnastics, although similar to dance and as physically straining, has too much of a wuss reputation.
- Clean lifting 673,384,687,000 lb and putting the entire sum over my head does not have any appeal to me.
- No desire to run for more than to soar over a high jump bar. (I could run to train though, It is ok unless I have to compete at it.)
Monday, April 02, 2007
April First Weekend
Friday I got to go out to Lunch with Panda and Amy. We had Mexican and it was oh so good. It was nice to hang out with these girls. Hopefully we will find more time soon.
In the evening, Chris and I went to Justin and Elise's for an upscale dinner. Justin is a wonderful cook. He and Elise made fillet min young, garlic mashed potatoes, green bean casserol, and a chocolate browney dessert with sauce and strawberries. Holly cow it was so good. We also watched "Strainger than Fiction." It was a great movie in fact I might buy it.
On Saturday I was a judges assistant at the Music Festival in the morning. In the afternoon Chris and I went to Wichita to run aaronds before going to a dinner at his home church. The evening had a 50's theme. His sister sand back up for one of her friends, and Clinton sang in a Barbershop Quartet. They did a great job.
On our way back from the concert I found out that two of my friends just got engaged. Congradulations to Phil and Traci!!!
Sunday was my last performance at Elbing. The kids did a great job. I am going to have to post some pictures of them. They are a small choir, but they are mighty.
Sunday afternoon I took a much needed nap, and then I cleaned my apartment. It looks good by the way. Hasn't been that clean in about a month.
I went to the spring concert. My favorite was the flok song section by Von Williams.
All in all it was a great weekend.
Friday I got to go out to Lunch with Panda and Amy. We had Mexican and it was oh so good. It was nice to hang out with these girls. Hopefully we will find more time soon.
In the evening, Chris and I went to Justin and Elise's for an upscale dinner. Justin is a wonderful cook. He and Elise made fillet min young, garlic mashed potatoes, green bean casserol, and a chocolate browney dessert with sauce and strawberries. Holly cow it was so good. We also watched "Strainger than Fiction." It was a great movie in fact I might buy it.
On Saturday I was a judges assistant at the Music Festival in the morning. In the afternoon Chris and I went to Wichita to run aaronds before going to a dinner at his home church. The evening had a 50's theme. His sister sand back up for one of her friends, and Clinton sang in a Barbershop Quartet. They did a great job.
On our way back from the concert I found out that two of my friends just got engaged. Congradulations to Phil and Traci!!!
Sunday was my last performance at Elbing. The kids did a great job. I am going to have to post some pictures of them. They are a small choir, but they are mighty.
Sunday afternoon I took a much needed nap, and then I cleaned my apartment. It looks good by the way. Hasn't been that clean in about a month.
I went to the spring concert. My favorite was the flok song section by Von Williams.
All in all it was a great weekend.
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