Thursday, November 29, 2007

Miss Music has a Dream

Last night I had a dream that it was the beginning of next school year. I am in opening school meetings, but the weird thing is that the meetings are in our building which is not our building. It is not a building that I have been in before, but it is extremely reminiscent of the building in which I went to middle and high school.

Anyway... I am done with some meetings and I am on my way to my classroom for the first time in the new year. I reach my classroom, and it doesn't have my name on it. Nope my name is on the door of a classroom that is a few doors down from my classroom. All of my stuff is missing. I have normal desks in my room instead of carpet and chairs. There are student computers upside down on the floor. My desk is about a foot and a half shorter than my old desk was, and there is an Indian style cushion for me to sit cross legged on. Oh yes, and my desk is in the middle of the room, rather than in the corner where I prefer it. There is a green black board on a stand that is teetering crookedly on its last good leg, and at the front of the room there is either an antique overhead projector, or a reel to reel projector running something black and white and fuzzy on the cracked screen at the front of the classroom.

I check my name on the door, and underneath it says First Grade. I bolt down the hallway and catch Tina coming out of our meeting. I ask her, "What am I teaching this year?" "First grade." she says calmly in her authoritative tone. "First Grade? Am I certified to teach first grade?" "No, but we thought that you would do a good job, and one of our other teachers backed out at the last minute." She responds matter-of-fact-ly. "Who is teaching music?" I ask keeping my cool (because if she asks me to do both at the same time, I am going to walk out of that building forever) "Oh, we got a long term sub to do that." She replies adding, "The kids will be here in an hour, so go look at your lesson plans. You will be fine."

I walked down to my room and the student computers, which were upside on the floor are now upside down on a low desk with itty bitty chairs in front of them. I start to go about straightening my room, but then I can't decide whether to do that or work on lesson plans... After a short debate I go about finding my curriculum. My first few students are coming into the room. I know some of them from the previous year. They immediately sit down on the floor and begin tracing the alphabet in the thick layer of dust that covers my entire classroom.

This is a health hazard. I walk back down the hall and ask Tina, "Did the maintenance men get to my room over the summer?" "Well of course they did." She replies looking at me as if I am loosing my mind." "They couldn't have, because there is so much grime and dust in my room that my students are writing the alphabet on the floor, the student computers are upside down, someone has sawed the desk legs off of my desk, my white board is missing and the replacement green chalk board is almost ready to fall over, and I can't find my science curriculum." She looks at me steadily and says, "I will have Jeremy come down and look at it."

"Ok," I say and turn and go back to my room, where there are students and parents waiting to meet me. The children rush to hug me, and their parents shake my hand. No one seems to notice the fact that my classroom is falling apart. There is even a student typing something on one of the upside down computers.

I can't remember much after that part of the dream. I guess that I must have waken up for a little while after it, because I remember it all so well. I do know that I did wake up this morning teaching a first grade class the song, "Going Over The See."

Maybe I need to see a therapist, or at least never eat a peanutbuster parfait before bed ever again.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lunch Lounge Lurker

Fact or Fiction?

Fact: There is a lunch lounge lurker at my school.
Fact: This lounge lurker has been lurking around the lounge, and stealing healthy items out of the lunches of other staff.
Fact: It is not the kindergarten teacher, because (quoted just today) "If I was going to do something bad like steal, I would do something really bad and steal food that was not healthy like cheese dip."

Fact: The word Igloo can be read "Ig-100." (pronounced ig-one-hundred.) by a third grade student.

Fact: In an elementary school this conversation can be heard.

fourth grader to a teacher - "When did you get bangs?"
teacher - "A few days ago."
fourth grader - "You bought them?"
teacher - "Bought them?"
fourth grader - "Yah, you bought your bangs?"

Monday, November 26, 2007

Post to come

There will be a thanksgiving post, but not quite yet because I am trying to create a Kindergarten program out of.... I don't even know what.

Pray, Just Pray!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I am Find, FINED, FIND

I can't breathe through my nose. I am currently introducing myself as Jed.

I was trying to explain what my friend's maiden name was today at lunch. I said, "Her name was Burds. Burds. WINTER BURDS!, Ahem... B-U-R-N-S (Spelling out each letter) Burds!"

The other thing that went on in the lounge today...

A teacher just got back from Las Vegas. She was talking about the large man who sat next to her on the plane. Now this teacher has a sharp tongue and she has OCD. This is a frightening combination to anyone who knows her. I like her... as long as she keeps liking me... But the poor portly "gentleman" (Who happens to be the owner of the Strip Bar in this town) is not liked by this OCD - sharped tongue teacher, and now he knows it.

I would have loved to hear her scream at him while being squished to her side of their two chairs.... "I NEED MY ZITHROMAX, NOW!!!" While his posse of "ladies" and pimps watched in horror.

Lost my Links


I am sad, I lost my links and I am too blogger illetrate to figure out what happened to them. If you read this and you used to be linked on my blog, or if you read this and you want me to link you even though you weren't linked before, just leave me a coomment that has your URL on it and I will try to replace your links.

Stupid new format that I had to go and try to improve.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I am thankful that every day I wake up, get out of bed, eat breakfast, and am able to transport myself to work.
I am thankful that I have a network of loving family and friends.
I am thankful for all of my letters to and from Amy.
I am thankful that I have a choir to sing in after a year of choral fasting.
I am thankful what when I am sick, I can go out and get vitamins, herbs, and medicines to make me better.
I am thankful that I was brought up in a home that taught me the importance of working for what you believe in rather than what the world thinks is valuable.
I am thankful that I have the mental capabilities to accomplish all that I have and even more to come.
I am thankful for supportive teachers.
I am thankful for the kids I teach, even the yahoos and the brats.

I am thankful for the God who loves me, the Lord who saved me, and the Spirit who guides me.

I am thankful

Friday, November 16, 2007

don't much like it

I like teaching. I love celebration days.

Today was supposed to be a third grade celebration day. It did not work. It was frustrating. I had three games planned, and because of behavior. I got through half of one. Their teacher is a lovely woman who is a good teacher. I just had so many problems with behavior with about five boys. I am not saying that I would, but now I know why kids used to get spanked in school.

Sometimes there seems like their is no other alternative. I can sit them out, Sit them down, Send them to the principal, Take away rewards, Give them stern speeches, and I get few results. It is better than it was at the beginning of the year, but I need more from these kids. It makes me wonder what they get at home. I know that home life of some of these kids is hard, but I also know that others, who have good home lives, are behaving badly as well.

I Vow, that if I ever have children, that I will try my hardest to provide the loving structure that children need to succeed in school and eventually in the rest of their lives.

Because frankly, if my kids give their teachers as much crud as these kids give me...

'Nough said

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sweet Success

My first program was a success. Yes, there were little mess ups here and there, but honestly I was working with 65 kids at a time, or course there are going to be little flubs.

I had them watch their program and evaluate their work today. Here are some of their evaluations

Things We did well:
All that I can be (song)
Sang clearly
Stayed together
I was good at Gratitude Attitude
Mya and Halie's part

Things that We could improve
Getting to know the words better
Late entrances
Talking loud ("Talking Lawd")
"Most of the people in the class are wiggling"
Not to point out mistakes (A girl actually pointed at another boy when he was early with his line, causing the program to come to an abrupt halt, and the boy to say, "WHAT!?")
Stop waving around

Things that we could more of, or things that we didn't think of:
Coming in row by row on the songs.

The kids are pretty good evaluators. I corrected the spelling on the answers. I had to leave the "Lawd" because it makes me think of a large woman in a Gospel church crying out for the "LAWD."

Or it could have referred to me crying out for the "Lawd" before the program started because I was SO NERVOUS!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sorry computer can't upload video

Well, I had a great video to upload to my Blog. It would have been my first venture into such vast technology, and it also would have allowed me to show you what my fifth grade yahoos look like. (In Technicolor and Full Sound) But, alas, my computer will not acquiesce to my request.

So instead I will ask you to use your imagination....

(wavy screen sequence inserted here, and out of the waves you can see four fifth graders emerge)

In front of them is one xylophone. One or two of them are holding two mallets. They play a pattern, sometimes this pattern is indistinguishable, and some times it is easy to hear. As they play, another student reads a Haiku about fall and Halloween and two other students emphasize their words with rhythm instruments. At the end of the haiku they stare blankly into the camera and the video (with awesome effects) fades to the next four students.... and so on.... and so forth...

(Wavy image back to normal screen.)

I hope you enjoyed that short clip of my life for the past THREE WEEKS!!!

Yeah it took them three weeks to write a haiku, print it out so that they could read it, match it with an ostinato, add percussion, and film it.
Yeah, I am kind of complaining about the length of time this project took, but look on the bright side. Lesson plans were easy for a while!

Ta ta for now!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

forever and a day

It has been a long time since I have posted. Not as long as some interludes but long enough. I guess that since so much has been going on, it has been hard to just pick one thing to write about, and I have ADHD so I can't write about more than one thing without the syntax and paragraph structure going out the window.

I guess I will write about one of the two things that have been occupying my mind the most over the past week. Perhaps after that I may write about the other. (if I actually get that far before the first thing renders me completely unable to do anything but sit in a corner, rock back and forth, and call out for cinnamon apple sauce.)

I am working on my first programs as a real teacher. Last year I was in charge of the 6th grade Christmas Concert back in the Burro. I learned a lot, and I am so glad that Lynn made me do it, because I learn by trial and error.

You can say that I have learned by trial and error in this first program. Most of these errors have been because of the monster I like to call Misconception.

List of Misconceptions:

1. My students care about not looking foolish.
You may find it surprising, but some of my students actually do not care if they look foolish or not. They, in fact, would rather look foolish than please me. (disclaimer: this is a rare breed of student, and most of them were born with chips on their shoulders.)

2. My students do not want to have a program.
I didn't think that students would be excited for programs, simply because during the first few weeks of learning songs, my students feigned interest and scraped by in class with minimalist effort. I have been surprised to find that students actually get excited about their programs, but I have to sell them on the idea first. Instead of telling them, "Guys I am super excited about your new program!" I said, "This year's program is going to be about social skills so that you can learn more about how to be better citizens."



now i know that.

3. Students who do not speak English do not know what I am talking about.
I have a student, I will call him Rob, who speaks Mandarin and very little English. The thing is, He thinks that this is a good excuse to exude little effort and in general, dink around. He should be able to do the actions. You can wave your arms in any language, but he has chosen to follow the suite of the yahoos in his class who don't think that music is important.



And they know it, oh how they know it.

As for other misconceptions, there are too many to be named. I do not want to sound completely negative. I have had a great time working with these kids on the songs and actions. My fourth graders are dancing around all day in the hallway. Yesterday I walked up on a fourth grade boy who was doing an east coast swing step in the hallway and shaking it, YES IT, for all IT was worth.


For the most part, I feel good about my first program experience, now if only I can convince parents and students of that.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

odd signs of exhaustion

this morning i specifically remember thinking to myself, "i have staff meeting this morning. i have to be at school early so i won't do my make up. i will just do hair and mascara." i proceeded to get ready and come to school.

i just got back from the rest room, and as i was washing my hands i realized that i am not wearing mascara, but i am wearing foundation, blush, eye shadow, eye liner, and lip gloss. my hair is also done.

i didn't know that i did that. i have no recollection of applying any of the above, except the lip gloss which i applied after i got to school.

i need to go home and sleep.

Trick Or Treat

Last night Chris and I prepared for a good number of little trick or treaters. I have three words for you...

One Storm Trouper

We waited and waited all night long for ONE very cute storm trouper.
He was at the beginning of the evening too, or I would have given him half our bucket of candy.

Next year will be better...I hope.