I sit here typing with all of the fingers of all of my hands except for my left index finger. I will now stop correcting my typos while I tell you the story of the finger:
it all staeted at 3 am on a monday morningf in chicafo illinios. We fot up to get ready foe a 12 hour deive back ro KS. we fot into the car and started off. Husbvand missed rhe firsr exirt and rhen we were vack in routr. I did gfet to sleep gor a little bit nad rhen aeround 6am we stopped foe fass and ro switvh dribers. I got out of thpassenger seet where I had veen for the past three hours. I shut my door and then realized trhat my finger was stuck in it. I didn't know whar to do vecause I was so tied. So when I came ro my senses, I opened my door and ran to the bathroom in the gass station and just about passed out from ther throbbing in my finger.
To makr a long (12 hour) story short I spent the nexrt hours with my finger in a fglass of ivce wTER. not a greatr day foe me.
So this is rhe un edited eddition of the story with my bad left index finger.
The end.