So my Top Secret Trip was to VIRGINIABEACHVIRGINIA to see MIKEWOODS!!!!! It was amazing.
We left on Friday afternoon at 4:00 pm and didn’t get to Virginia till 5:30 pm the next day. The drive was fun though. The only fun part was when all of us were too tired to drive and we were a little grouchy. Other than that it was smooth sailing. Doc had some amazing comments, including “Hey Baby, I’m Bionic.”
Saturday we arrived at Beth’s house (see photo) and all stood outside on the lawn calling our families to let them know that we were safe. Then the guys went to Ben and Mikes while we all showered and got pretty to see Mike. The guys came back and we all sat around for a while. Rachel and I made a Roman sandwich and it was quite comfortable. We went to Regent and played around in the lobby. We took pictures on the fabulous staircase (see photo), waltzed, Aaron Modeled, and Rachel Swooned. Then we all went back stage and waited for Mike to come around the corner. I will never forget the look on his face and his reaction for the rest of my life. Mike gave us a tour of some of Regent (see photo) and then we went out to eat at the restaurant that Mike goes with his friends. After eating and talking we went back to Beth’s and sat and tried to talk till 3:00 am and then we all went to bed.
Sunday is a day that I will want to freeze and revisit it whenever I get the chance. We woke up at 8:30 and went to get the guys. We ate breakfast at Ben’s house while watching the guys play x-men. (see photo) After that we left for the beach. (see photo) It was a beautiful day (see photo). The wind was cold but the water was warmer than the wind. There were seven of us that swam. (John, Roman, Aaron, Sharon, Becca, Rachel, and Me) I didn’t see them, but someone said that there were dolphins swimming just a little farther out than we were swimming. After we got out and tried to get warm and dry, we had devotionals on the beach. Landon brought his guitar and we sang, read scripture, and prayed. It was wonderful. I am so blessed to have friends such as these. After Devos we ran around on the beach for a while longer and then went to IHOP for breakfast/lunch. Mike left early for call, and we all left later to get ready. We went as fast as we could and we were still almost late. I drove to the show and I sure did break some traffic laws. (I don’t ever do that either, but I am pretty sure that the 3 point turn I took in the middle of a 4 lane road with a green SUV coming was a law breaking experience. I wasn’t about to drive 25 hours to see a show and miss it by being late by 2 min.) The show was so powerful. The acting was incredible. After the show we went out to look at the fountain and wait for Mike to get done with stuff. Then we went out for Chinese take out. It was SOOOOO GOOOOOD!!! We watched Batman Begins and I fell asleep after the first 45 min or so. I woke up and we all talked till 2:00ish and then I went to bed.
Monday morning came too early. We all got to sleep in a bit. Then we cleaned up, and I packed up my stuff. We all sat around and watched a discovery nature show about Cuba and how everything on Cuba is small. The guys provided some great commentary while watching the species. Amy and I went for a walk in the hurricane and got about ½ a block when our umbrellas blew inside-out, and we decided to go back then it was time for us to leave. It took a while…first we all said good bye. Then we couldn’t leave because we plugged the toilet and someone had to go buy a plunger. Then we found a plunger and they had to come back to un-clog it. Then we all said good bye again, and we finally left. I almost cried watching Mike and Angie; I had to swallow a lot.
The ride home was eventful and hilarious. I want to write about it sometime, but this post is already the LONGESTEVER!!!. So I will leave you here. Perhaps I will finish my thoughts later because I have already worked on this one over the course of a week.
Sorry the pics are out of order. You can figure them out. The one of Angie, Brian, and I is a representation of Illinois. I am ill, Angie is annoyed and Brian is an Indian.
I am so jealous. I wish I could have been there!
NO FAIR! NO FAIR! NO FAIR! NO FAIR!If only the kids here had as great of friends as I do, they would understand why being a Christian is such a great thing. Next time you go to Virginia, I'm coming with!
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