Here is a picture of the mutt that I spent Thanksgiving with.

Yah, my stress level has not gone down, but at least it is leaving my thumb alone. Instead of my thumb skin pealing my depth perception decided to go out of whack. Yesterday I hit myself in the face with our storm door twice upon entering the house. It is a good thing I was wearing my glasses because they served as protective eye wear.
I began directing the First Mennonite Church Choir. They haven’t had a church choir in about two years, and it was somewhat of a challenge for me to choose music when I didn’t know at all what they could do. It was fun though. The people were so sweet. I think that some of them were skeptical of what I expected them to do, but it turned out well. I wish we had more rehearsal time before performances.
Last night I got to talk to a long lost friend. It was good to just talk with someone without making myself try to accomplish something while I talked.
After I got off of the phone I was editing my paper. It was around 1:30 and I started to talk to my room mate, and all of the sudden I sounded exactly like Doc O. My sentence structure, my vocal intonation, my word timing it all sounded like him. It was only one sentence which I tried to reproduce right after it happened, and I couldn’t do it again. Wow, my friends are rubbing off on me in more ways than just some.
1 comment:
Have you ever seen the movie "The One"?
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