Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I resolve

I don't normally resolve to do things very often. (I do not pronounce the t in often, but you can if you would like.) But I would like to resolve to write in my Blog more.

I went back and read most of my postings, and it made me sad when there were only a few a month, or in some months there were no posts at all. I like looking back at what I was doing a year ago and trying to measure how much has changed. Since I don't keep a journal, this is the best way for me to record things. I am putting this resolution on the blog so that I actually do it. I am not disciplined enough to work on things that I resolve only in my heart.

Today is beautiful. I am glad that the weather is so nice, because it helps me keep my stress level under control. I audition at WSU on Friday, and I am trying to keep my nerves under control. It should go well, unless my brains drain out my ears on Thursday night. (Which might happen because I have asked God to let me bomb my audition if I am not supposed to be at grad school next year.)

I think that I will spend some quality time in the library studying music and filling out applications. Someday I will read this statement and remember this transition in life. I hope that it will be a fond memory.

As the old song goes...
Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be will be, the future's not ours you see, que sera sera...

1 comment:

Mrs. Buller said...

Que sera, sera. y, se la vie (or however you spell it.)
good job with all the posts, maybe i'll post again soon...maybe.