Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cameras have an odd effect on people

Have you ever noticed what happens in a room when a camera appears. You have to be a good sneaky photographer to get a camera into a room and get some pictures taken before any one notices. For instance, I had to video tape myself a couple of days ago for an evaluation that I had to do for work. The students were acting normal at first because they did not notice the camera. Yet as soon as one of them noticed, the group dynamic changed.

The camera hogs were being hoggy, looking at the camera and yelling "Hi Mom." The shy kids were being bashful, shooting little glances back at the camera and then turning around as quickly as possible with self conscious looks on their little faces.

When I bring out my camera, I have to be so sneaky in order to get actual candid shots of students. Some day I will have to show you some of my hooligans, but for now... You will just have to know that the camera changes their little personalities in a big way.

P.S. There have been four fifthgrade boy office referrals today. I am proud to say that none of them were mine, But I am not saying that I didn't think about it.


none said...

the photography thing is really weird. it took months before i finally felt ok about sneaking up to the front of the room to shoot basketball, and walking the sidelines is still a strange feeling.

and then there's the strange reactions you get from people being photographed....some of them really do seem to enjoy it tho.

none said...

the pic is some random photo i found while wandering the google images a few days back.

tdwp (what i saw of it, anyway) is an irritating movie...i hated every minute of what i saw, and i may have to watch the rest of it sometime. like, for closure or something.