Tuesday, March 11, 2008

High School Again?? O Dear...

It was hard to wake up this morning. I was having weird dreams again, two nights in a row. I remember the one from last night. I was forced to go back to high school. It was almost like we all got taken back in time, and we couldn't exactly remember what life was like before we were taken back. I remember coming to school (looking like I did in High school) wearing one of my old favorite pairs of jeans, and remembering that I had to change into a skirt or I would get in trouble. I got a skirt out of my old locker (which always has a combination in my dreams, even though I never had one in high school) and went to the bathroom to change. The entire time I am thinking "I know that I am independent, I live on my own, I have a job, I can't remember that job, but I should not be here." But then I would see someone looking like they looked in High school, and I would think... Hmmm that must have been a dream. (But it was really real life)

I looked for my class with my friend Shauna. We found them in Mr. Loewen's room, but it wasn't Mr. Loewens room. It was Mrs. Kaufman's room, and Mr. Nelson was the teacher there. We had a bunch of food in the room. There was breakfast food, and lunch food, and supper food, and desert. Amy got up and made herself a salad stating, "Well if no one else is going to eat this, I am going to." I got up and got a muffin and a banana. Then I sat back down in a desk that had to be adjusted to my height because my knees wouldn’t fit. I sat down by a couple of guys that could only be known as “the good old boys who never worked on anything in high school…or at least it seemed like that.” My arch nemesis sat on my other side, and within the first minute of me sitting down, he included me in conversation was nice, polite, and friendly. I should have taken that clue that it was a dream.

Anyway… Nelson gets up to make an announcement. He starts off with, “I know that some of you are confused as to why you are here. It has been a while since you have been here and I won’t waste any time in getting back to….”

That is all that I remember. I think I woke up, possibly screaming because of the thought of having to go through the awkwardness of my sophomore, junior, and senior year because that dream sure zapped me back to the beginning of my sophomore year.

1 comment:

Mrs. Buller said...

AAAAAHHHH!!!!! Nooooooo!!!!!

although that does sound like something i would say. or have said.

maybe arch-nemesis was polite cause he just got married.

hmm, now i want a salad. or maybe some chocolate....
I really hope i don't dream about Nelson.... did i tell you i dreamed about Mr. Siemens though?