Monday, March 24, 2008

The Thoughts in Chuck's Lounge

Tere is refusing to cook all of next week. She says that she has enough left overs to feed an army.

Kathy said that her kindergartners are confused as to why she died her hair.

Megan does not want to eat her lunch, or any other food for that matter. She is already big enough (Megan is having a baby and is looking quite round)

Amanda's personal trainer is writing her up on an exercise plan... She wants to loose 15 lbs and tone the leftovers from pregnancy.

Deanna just wants to make sure that everyone signs the sheet proving that they were at the in service so that they can get paid.

Becca wants the jerk she met a couple of weeks ago to stop texting her.

Gina is sick, and wants to go home.


Shawn is counting down the days left of school. There are 47 including our end of the year work day.

I am wondering if I can send an entire third grade class to Green Land And 2 fifth grade classes to Siberia?

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