Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My second post of firsts

So, Disregarding my last post this is my first post as a married woman. I probably should have written this one first, but it was easier to write the last one because it was light and required little thought to organize and publish. I am not so much into thought and organization right now. This is reflected in the bedroom across the hall from me right now. Disgusting.

There are some things about marriage that have surprised me

For instance. When I set the alarm at night, it is not for me, since I am not working right now. Nope it is for Husband who is working and doing a wonderful job of it. So when I panic about weather the alarm will go off or not, it is not for me but for him. But here's the deal. I thought, before the wedding,"Whew... we will both set an alarm so therefore if one of us messes up the setting at least the other's will go off and therefore save me the worrying of the malfunction of an alarm clock.

I was wrong.

Also, planning meals is a little different as well. When he says... "I think I want _____ ______ with _____ for supper." I jump on it because seriously, I don't like deciding what we are going to eat. I am less picky than he is and therefore I agree with pretty much any eating choice. He however is more likely to say, "let's not have ____ tonight lets have _____ instead." Which is how I found out that if one marinades fish one day thinking that one will eat it that evening, and the eating of the fish is put off for two more days, the fish will definitely be OVER MARINADED.

Lemon Pepper.... That is all I have to say.

But, for the most part Marriage so far has been delightful free of the past stresses of our relationship.

Such as,

"Should I bring the food to your house?"

"Should you bring food?"

"Shouldn't we go out cause it is easier than lugging around groceries?"

"Should we kiss that long?"

"Was that too long."

"Is there a too long?"

"Am I a Loose Woman?" (no kidding)

The ever popular high school question that should never be subjected onto adults of "How far is too far?" "What about farther?" "NO FARTHER THAN....!!!" "BAH"

"Did you remember to bring the game/movie/invitation/miscellaneous stuff that we need over here tonight or do we have to go back to your house to get it?"

"It is stupid for us to make two rental payments, and two utilities payments, and two everything else payments. At least we can combine our phone plan and sill live a blameless life before God and Man."

So you see, there are definitely wonderful reasons to get married. Some of the more positive ones are:

Saying goodnight in bed instead of outside in the dark standing barefoot on the unforgiving ground.

Talking about forever without worrying about making boyfriend nervous.

Getting to go to the Young Married's Sunday School Class rather than the No Man's Land Sunday school class that every church from here to Galilee tries to pass off as a "Single's Group."

And that list doesn't even mention the unmentionable. That's good too

I am going to postlude to any of you who stumble across this entry and are discouraged by wanting a marriage but not having one. Do not despair, God's timing is wonderful and he has amazing plans for your life just as he has for mine. Who can fathom the wisdom that God has, or the reasons for the incidents in our lives. No one can. So therefore be encouraged because the unfathomable is yours to live out day by day.


none said...

jen: there is no possible way you could offend me by commenting on my blog. i get all excited, like chris farley in everything he ever did, every time i see someone left a comment.

plus, all of that stuff i've been posting is just me messing around during down time at work.

so which ones do you like?

my favorite out of that group is maybelline, but for no good reason whatsoever.

also, props on getting married. and on consolidating your bills down to one set of utilities and rents.

i'll wait until thursday to leave a comment about the unspeakable.... :-D

Becky said...

camp was really good. :) the kids were awesome, the sponsors were awesome, and the conference itself was just fantastic. and convicting.

only one more week and then school steals my life away again. :( when do you start back?

oh yeah, and i enjoy reading your posts. they always make me laugh. you do have a way with telling stories. :)