Monday, October 27, 2008

Out West

This weekend Husband and I went out west to see our friend in a midnight murder mystery. We left home at about 4:30 and got to our destination at around 8:00. We stopped at Starbucks and got some cafination before running around town a little bit. The show that Em was in was called And Then There Were None. It is based on the Agatha Christie novel Ten little Indians or also called And Then There Were None. I read it in high school just for fun, and I remembered the book being a lot different.

Em did an excellent job. She played the character Stella which lead to many reenactments of Street Car Named Desire during her rehearsals. The only beef that I had with the show was that the theatre was in the middle of being renovated so there was no heat. I didn't take off my coat and I shivered through the entire show. Not the best climate for theatre, but it was fun.

I have a reoccurring nightmare that I am back in college and it is opening night for one of Judy's shows. I am actor in an ensemble cast that is pretty equally important. The problem is that I have never seen the script before. I don't know any lines at all. So I fake it through the entire show.

It is terrible. I always wake up sweating and panicking. Here's the deal though... There was a character in the show who was living my nightmare. He played Douglas. He didn't know his lines and pretty much um-ed them through the whole show. I was impressed with the promptness and know how of the other players as they coaxed him through the performance. So here's to Doug, and I hope you take time to learn your lines for next weekend's performances! It will make your cast happier!

Here's to Em!!! What a wonderful performance.


Anonymous said...

hello there Jennnnnn.

Justin and I just sat here enjoying our first view of your blog. I don't know why it's taken us so long. I think you should write a book. I'd so read it. Don't worry...No paint fumes for me. P.S. I just threw up in Vons. Thank goodness for grocery bags.


Mrs. Buller said...

p.s. we all had to read ten little indians for brit lit. right before or after pygmalion....