Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The third and fourth grade programs are tonight. I dressed up for today to inspire the students to look nice.

I walked through the gym this morning and my fourth grade girls started gushing.

"Oh, you look so pretty."
"I love your high heels."
"Can I hug you? I want to hug a pretty girl."
"You are so pretty Mrs. Music."

So on and so forth. I told them that when you look good, you perform better. It is true. I know from experience.

The only problem is that when you look good... sometimes your feet hurt. I am switching between these shoes:


I am going to lunch in the crocs, we'll see what Principal says...

Talk to you after the judgement of parents and scrutiny of grandparents.

1 comment:

none said...

booyah! take that, pointy-hurty shoes!