Friday, December 05, 2008

Ahhhh Random thoughts...

It is Friday, and it is my good Friday group. I have all of my lessons done through Christmas, and now all I need to do is enter grades and start planning next semester. All of my school programs for 2008 are done, and life here at school is good.

It is really cold outside. I had to scrape my windows and it was the industrial frost that flakes in pretty designs but never truly comes off or melts till you get to work. My hands were frozen by the time I was done chipping away at the condensation. I am still cold.

I am beginning to grow amazed at my ability to remain calm in stressful and annoying situations, but this is only when Children are involved. I am great at keeping my cool with little kids who are just plane naughty. However when I have to deal with difficult adult situations, I freak out, stress out, worry, and become a not very pleasant person. Things at school are great...

Things at church... are weird. I just keep praying that God would soften people's hearts and that He would work to bring healing to broken relationships. I also pray that when things bottom out (which they may soon) that there will be Godly people willing to help build up what has been broken.

And now for something completely different. Somebody sent me this link and it is fun if you have kids, or know kids who like to create and such. Or if you want to send a cheesy e-card it works for that to.

The end.

1 comment:

none said...

cheesy e-cards? i'm there!!!!

wv = wayeler

which sounds to me like a guy with harpoon in a canoe.