I just came back from Chuck’s lounge and found out that my Tuesday sub had also outraged the third graders as well as the fourth graders, and here’s how.
The third graders were playing a review game, and they were split into two sides. She gave the contestants only 15 seconds to answer and then she counted them wrong. She didn’t help them with the material, and to top it all off. SHE GAVE THE WINNING TEAM SUCKERS!!! YES SHE APPARENTLY FOUND THE SUCKERS AND GAVE THEM OUT TO THE THIRD GRADERS WHO WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO GET SUCKERS!!!
When I told this to the teacher I sat with at lunch she told me, “Well she gave my kids suckers.”
“Yah,” she said “when I came in she said, well team 1 wins and she gave team 1 all suckers.”
Let me show you my sub plans for this class.
The students have been playing recorders for a while now, and they have some songs that they can play. Have students choose songs to play from the pages that we have worked on.
The overheads for our pages are located in the red folder under the overhead projector. It says recorder on it.
They may choose songs from pages 6-11. Songs on page 11 are very new.
You will need to count off four beats before the students play.
You will need to snap the steady beat while the students are playing to keep them on track.
You, or other students, may point to the note that is being played with the long black pointer on the ledge of the board. (If you do have a pointer, make sure it is someone who can keep a steady beat and point to the correct note.)
Is there a review game anywhere in sight in those sub plans? Is there mention of a team? Is there mention of ANYTHING LIKE SOMETHING THAT LOOKS LIKE THE WORD SUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FOX that is her last name, I don’t know the first name of my sub, but students call her MRS FOX.
Well, let me tell you a thing or two MRS FOX. I agonize over my sub plans. I stare at them for 45 minutes after I have taken 4 hours to write them just so that they will be easy to understand and work with. I was a sub. I know that a sub needs good plans, and goll darn it my plans are good. If you,,, O HIGH AND MIGHTY ONE SENT TO ME FROM RUBY AT THE BOARD OFFICE have a problem with the fact that I LIKE TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN MY CLASSROOM, then LET ME KNOW IN A NOTE!!! I am bossy by nature, THAT IS WHY I AM A TEACHER!!!! Don’t give my students candy with peanuts that could CAUSE THEM TO SWELL BEYOND RECOGNITION. And don’t MAKE UP FOR A STUPID MISTAKE BY FEADIN MY STUDENTS THE SUCKERS THAT YOU WERE TWO IMPOTENT TO FIND IN THE FIRST PLACE. AND DON’T LET 3RD GRADERS TALK YOU INTO GIVING YOU CANDY!!! IT IS STUPID. And most importantly DON’T MAKE EVERY LESSON INTO A REVIEW GAME JUST BECAUSE IT IS EASY TO CLASSROOM MANAGE THEM!!!!!
I am going to ask my fourth graders what happened in class with MRS FOX and I may write another post for the day.
I have already have requested that MRS FOX not come to my classroom AGAIN.
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