Last night was an interesting night. The wind was pounding on the south side of the building where my bedroom is. I was frustrated because the storm window in my bedroom is loose so it banged against the window casing almost all night long.
I fell asleep around 10:00 and somewhere around 1:30 started to dream this dream:
I was in my parents’ house with a bunch of vagabond looking children. One of them was one of my fourth grade students and in my dream he was my brother.
(He is Asian, which I thought was appropriate since my sister in real life is Asian. Anyway… in real life he has been having nose bleeds, and I must have been concerned about it because...)
I dreamed that he had had a bad nose bleed and had bled all over his shirt and on my clothing as well. I fixed up his nose and took his cloths upstairs to wash out the blood. I rinsed my shirt as well. I distinctly remember the blood mixing with the water and trickling down the drain. Suddenly I felt the need to hurry and get dressed again because I had to take my little brother with me to fight for Batman against the Joker…
(“WHAT~!” You are thinking… but just roll with me… it gets better.)
So, I get brother all ready to go and we go outside. The entire time I am fearing for my life. Suddenly we are met by three girls who are part of the Joker’s team. We fight them for a long time. Dodging futuristic weapons and using no weapons of our own because we haven’t met up with Batman yet to get our weapons. Finally I knocked a force blasting gun out of one girls hand and instead of shooting it, I hit her under the chin with it so hard that she flew up into the air and out into the atmosphere. I can still picture what she looked like floating aimlessly in the universe.
(cause I could see that with my naked eyes right where I was standing with my fake little brother in my parents front lawn.)
The other two henchgirls ran away after I knocked their teammate to the moon. Which gave me just enough time to figure out how to work my force blaster.
I say force blaster because there is no other word for it. It didn’t shoot bullets. It was very similar to the stunning guns that the alliance uses in the TV show Firefly. It shoots out force fields which knock out and disarm my opponents. I finally figured out how to work my force blaster. I was forgetting to cock the gun before I pulled the trigger.
(Go figure, a wii can shoot without begin cocked, but a force blaster… not a chance.)
After I solved the problem with the force blaster, I took my little brother and we set out for a taxi. We got into a taxi, but the inside was HUGE and filled with the henchpeople of super villains/heroes. I was plotting with my batman team, when I saw my “childhood friend” Christopher sitting plotting with Joker’s henchyouth.
Our eyes met in an “I will defeat you” moment and then our gaze softened as we remembered all of the good childhood times we had together.
(Now if any of you are following… Christopher is my fiancé and we were not childhood friends, but I guess for the purposes of my dream, my mind created him into a childhood friend. WEIRD!!!)
So at the same time we realized that we were in love. “So” he said, (and then he said something that I can’t remember) and then we kissed. We kissed passionately.
It was very wet.
(I might as well get some good kissin in my dreams… Right?)
We decided (after the kissing) that we would be on the same team, and that Christopher would come over to Batman’s side, but only after we had a chance for him to work as a double agent.
Our taxi pulled up in front of a large old building with multiple stories. We got there just in time to see Batman and Joker fighting. We climbed up inside of the building and I saw Pirate Man (I don’t know where he came from. He isn't even a superhero) and Penguin who were just about to come to Batman’s aid. (which is also strange since Penguin is an enemy of Batman in real life.)
Christopher, my fake little brother, and I jumped out into the open ready to fight and suddentlyyy………….
The storm window banged against the casing of my bedroom wall and I awoke from my dream poised sideways in bed as if I was going to shoot the Joker right in the back with my force blaster.
What did you dream about last night?
Uh-hh!! you have all the fun!!! i dreamed that my desk was cleaned off. and then i dreamed that i came downstairs and rachel was on the phone waving doc in the door. that's it.
where's my force blaster??? where's my fighting evil villians? where's my kiss?
where's my clanging storm window? i mean....
also, too bad you don't watch doctor who, then you could reference that too, with the taxi that's bigger on the inside....
I dreamed that someone I know from my South Dakota days (who's older sister I now babysit for here in Lincoln) was in Iraq, had thrown some bomb at people (and laughed when it worked) and then was shot leaving some building. At that point he was a regular person. And then, immediately, his body came to Lincoln and was then going to South Dakota for a service. But I was still going to babysit that night. I was in a bar watching the big tv's when I found out. I was horrified.
Then I awoke to hear that some bus full of kids in India ran off a bridge into a river and lots of children died. What a happy morning!
Love, Lisa
i haven't had a dream about anything in weeks. so i'll make one up:
first i went swimming but i forgot to take my clothes off and then i decided to give a speech from the diving board when. there was nobody there except old people, so it was completely horrifying when they were all suddenly naked and floating around on their old-people flotation devices, and there was this one really hot old chick with water wings who screwed up her face into the most grimacy grimace of all time, and then puffed out her cheeks and stuck out her tongue and went "pppppbbbbbbbbtttttttttt" at me. and then i dived into the pool, but it wasn't a pool any more, it was ballroom dancing and i wasn't dressed right, you know, in soggy blue jeans and a soggy cabela's jacket, and my shoes squeaked everywhere and nobody would dance with me. so i went and stood in the corner and the old lady came over (she was much younger then) and asked me to dance with her and of course i said "no way, na na why don't you get a job!" she smacked me really hard--a lot harder than she meant to--and i had to go to the hospital, but the hospital ended up being a in a cylindrical silo, and i had to walk up this spiraly staircase inside the silo, and when i got to the top john o hurley (jay peterman on seinfeld, host of family fued) was the doctor and he said "you're going to need some anesthetics for this" and pushed me out the window.
so then i fell and i fell and i fell, and when i stopped falling, i started to fly and then i was a dragon, until someone shouted "TRRRRRRROGDORRRRRR!" and i went back to falling. then i got mad and went looking for who could possibly be watching internet videos in the medieval forest, and i came across three couches made out of golden grahams set up around this fire where Liz Finch and Shelby Miller were dressed up like witches. and then it started raining and Liz melted and Shelby ran off and i sat down on one of the couches. it collapsed and i went back to falling, except way down deep into the heart of the earth (which was pretty much like that part of the first lord of the rings, where Saruman makes his army and also the "you shall not pass!" part) and then i didn't like that, so i decided to fall up and i flew back out of the couch into the rain, but it was raining milk, so i found a bowl and a spoon and ate one of the couches for breakfast.
also, just a thought, but maybe it's not such a bad thing that i haven't dreamt in a few weeks.
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