Thursday, April 17, 2008


So, two nights ago it was the storm window banging, and last night it was just a storm.

I woke up at 3:08a.m.-ish to probably the loudest roaring of storm I have ever heard in my life. Which is shocking because living in tornado alley for all of my life has caused me to be involved with some interesting storms.

I was writhing in bed, very annoyed with the roar, when suddenly I thought,

"If I am writhing here annoyed that I am awake because of this loud roar, and that loud roar turns out to be a tornado coming right up my street, I am not going to be pleased with my decision to stay in bed."

So, I got out of bed to make sure that I wasn't going to have a Dorothy/Come to Jesus experience right then and there.

The roaring turned out to be a combination of the fact that the gutter outside my window is plugged so the water cascades against the side of the building in waterfall loudness and hale.


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